Why to Analysis websites?

why to Analysis websites?
you are not alone in the virtual world.

       Website analysis will give you a clear picture of where the site network is relatively apart from your competition.
       Check the site according to various indices will provide a general picture of the condition and location
      Website analysis will provide you with the information, how many more need to spend on the website
      To achieve the goal
      The site analysis will give you the direction in which to invest more resources

What is tested?

Check the location of your keywords, price and volume of their search.
Drawing conclusions about what words you should put the emphasis during the competition test
Investment options.

Analysis of the content pages
Check site content, Home Page About inside pages.
Testing of the formulation of writing, text length, font size, embossing, a division title,
Sub - headings and paragraphs.

Check website backlinks forums, indexes, search engines and social networks.
Checking internal links - that help the user easy navigation.

Graphics and images
Do images and graphics serve site content or impaired its purpose.

Targeted recommendations such as :
Should I add links to indexes, Websites with the same target audience, relevant to the site.

Should you increase your social networks and activities.

Recommendations for site improvements in the structure and appearance that can be performed on an existing system.

Recommendations for adding new content on topics and / or interactive modules,
Which will contribute to promote the site surfing experience for visitors.

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