Monday, August 9, 2010

Search Engine Optimization SEO Webmaster Tools Help


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Check out our Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide!

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:

  • Review of your site content or structure
  • Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
  • Content development
  • Management of online business development campaigns
  • Keyword research
  • SEO training
  • Expertise in specific markets and geographies.

Keep in mind that the Google search results page includes organic search results and often paid advertisement (denoted by the heading "Sponsored Links") as well. Advertising with Google won't have any effect on your site's presence in our search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, and it costs nothing to appear in our organic search results. Free resources such as Webmaster Tools, the official Webmaster Central blog, and our discussion forum can provide you with a great deal of information about how to optimize your site for organic search. Many of these free sources, as well as information on paid search, can be found on Google Webmaster Central.

Before beginning your search for an SEO, it's a great idea to become an educated consumer and get familiar with how search engines work. We recommend starting here:

  • Google Webmaster Guidelines
  • Google 101: How Google crawls, indexes and serves the web.

If you're thinking about hiring an SEO, the earlier the better. A great time to hire is when you're considering a site redesign, or planning to launch a new site. That way, you and your SEO can ensure that your site is designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. However, a good SEO can also help improve an existing site.

Some useful questions to ask an SEO include:

  • Can you show me examples of your previous work and share some success stories?
  • Do you follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines?
  • Do you offer any online marketing services or advice to complement your organic search business?
  • What kind of results do you expect to see, and in what timeframe? How do you measure your success?
  • What's your experience in my industry?
  • What's your experience in my country/city?
  • What's your experience developing international sites?
  • What are your most important SEO techniques?
  • How long have you been in business?
  • How can I expect to communicate with you? Will you share with me all the changes you make to my site, and provide detailed information about your recommendations and the reasoning behind them?

While SEOs can provide clients with valuable services, some unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to manipulate search engine results in unfair ways. Practices that violate our guidelines may result in a negative adjustment of your site's presence in Google, or even the removal of your site from our index. Here are some things to consider:

  • Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

    Amazingly, we get these spam emails too:

    I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories..."

    Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.

  • No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.

    Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add URL page or by submitting a Sitemap and you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever.

  • Be careful if a company is secretive or won't clearly explain what they intend to do.

    Ask for explanations if something is unclear. If an SEO creates deceptive or misleading content on your behalf, such as doorway pages or "throwaway" domains, your site could be removed entirely from Google's index. Ultimately, you are responsible for the actions of any companies you hire, so it's best to be sure you know exactly how they intend to "help" you. If an SEO has FTP access to your server, they should be willing to explain all the changes they are making to your site.

  • You should never have to link to an SEO.

    Avoid SEOs that talk about the power of "free-for-all" links, link popularity schemes, or submitting your site to thousands of search engines. These are typically useless exercises that don't affect your ranking in the results of the major search engines -- at least, not in a way you would likely consider to be positive.

  • Choose wisely.

    While you consider whether to go with an SEO, you may want to do some research on the industry. Google is one way to do that, of course. You might also seek out a few of the cautionary tales that have appeared in the press, including this article on one particularly aggressive SEO: While Google doesn't comment on specific companies, we've encountered firms calling themselves SEOs who follow practices that are clearly beyond the pale of accepted business behavior. Be careful.

  • Be sure to understand where the money goes.

    While Google never sells better ranking in our search results, several other search engines combine pay-per-click or pay-for-inclusion results with their regular web search results. Some SEOs will promise to rank you highly in search engines, but place you in the advertising section rather than in the search results. A few SEOs will even change their bid prices in real time to create the illusion that they "control" other search engines and can place themselves in the slot of their choice. This scam doesn't work with Google because our advertising is clearly labeled and separated from our search results, but be sure to ask any SEO you're considering which fees go toward permanent inclusion and which apply toward temporary advertising.

  • What are the most common abuses a website owner is likely to encounter?

    One common scam is the creation of "shadow" domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects. These shadow domains often will be owned by the SEO who claims to be working on a client's behalf. However, if the relationship sours, the SEO may point the domain to a different site, or even to a competitor's domain. If that happens, the client has paid to develop a competing site owned entirely by the SEO.

    Another illicit practice is to place "doorway" pages loaded with keywords on the client's site somewhere. The SEO promises this will make the page more relevant for more queries. This is inherently false since individual pages are rarely relevant for a wide range of keywords. More insidious, however, is that these doorway pages often contain hidden links to the SEO's other clients as well. Such doorway pages drain away the link popularity of a site and route it to the SEO and its other clients, which may include sites with unsavory or illegal content.

  • What are some other things to look out for?

    There are a few warning signs that you may be dealing with a rogue SEO. It's far from a comprehensive list, so if you have any doubts, you should trust your instincts. By all means, feel free to walk away if the SEO:

    • owns shadow domains
    • puts links to their other clients on doorway pages
    • offers to sell keywords in the address bar
    • doesn't distinguish between actual search results and ads that appear on search results pages
    • guarantees ranking, but only on obscure, long keyword phrases you would get anyway
    • operates with multiple aliases or falsified WHOIS info
    • gets traffic from "fake" search engines, spyware, or scumware
    • has had domains removed from Google's index or is not itself listed in Google

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Webmaster Tools Help

local search marketing


Easy steps to local search marketing

With local search marketing all you have to do is welcome your clients with a smile :) We take care to handle all the Google Marketing, Yahoo Marketing and MSN Marketing. With these three major search engines working for you, you can be sure that you will get the attention you deserve.


Your potential clients search terms related to your product or service


Local internet users find your business online and learn about it


New clients contact you by phone, email or directly at your door


You sell your product or service to your new targeted audience
Notice that in this way of bringing the client to your doorstep, we don't annoy him with unsolicited advertising.
Instead, we help him fulfill his current need.
This is a win-win situation and has been proven to be one of the most cost effective and satisfying way to advertise to users online.
We are the local search marketing experts. Real People advertising and marketing real businesses.
So now you can focus more on serving your clients and less on attracting them.

Online Advertising


Online Advertising / Web Advertising / Business Advertising

A powerful ad is one of the most important aspects of your success. The secret to a successful ad is your HEADLINE. You only have a split second to grab your targets attention. Your potential customer will most likely scan the ads and only read one if it catches their attention. Write your ads with passion, excitement, and benefits.
Use this powerful approach when creating your ad copy.


-Grab your targets attention


-Create curiosity


-Provide details


-Call for action

Create an urgency to act now. Creating a successful ad will take a great deal of time and effort. You'll need to write it and re-write it over and over again before you come up with a great ad.
We all know the importance of a powerful headline. However, writing a great headline isn't as easy as it sounds.
An effective headline will literally force your potential customers to learn more. It will instantly ignite a certain emotion and intrigue them to read on.
In order to write an effective headline, you must learn how to use specific words to achieve a specific reaction.
Before writing your headline, you must first learn a little bit about the basic human motivators. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, human behavior is always
the result of one or more of five basic needs. He listed these needs in a sequence that he refers to as "the hierarchy of human needs."
He believes that until a less important need is met there won't be any desire to pursue a more important need. Below are the five human motivators, beginning with the basic needs and continuing to the most important needs.
Physiological - Basic human needs include hunger, thirst, shelter, clothing and sex.
Safety (Security) - Human need for physical, emotional and financial security.
Social (Affiliation) - Human need for love, affection, companionship and acceptance.
Esteem (Self Esteem) - Human need for achievement, recognition, attention and respect.
Self-actualization - Human need to reach their full potential.
When you are aware of the basic human needs, you can incorporate these needs into your writing. A great headline will appeal to your potential customers' emotions. You must feel their needs, wants and desires and write your headlines with passion and emotion.
When writing your headlines, keep in mind, you only have a few seconds to grab your potential customers' attention. If your headline doesn't immediately catch their attention, they'll simply move on and never return. Below are several
different formulas used by professional copywriters to write compelling headlines.
How to
"How to Increase Your Sales Up to 500% by Using This One Simple Strategy"
Headlines beginning with 'how to' are very successful, as the Internet is all about information. Internet users have a strong desire to learn. A headline beginning with 'how to' immediately grabs your potential customers' attention and forces them to read on.
"Are You Sick and Tired of Working For Someone Else?"
Headlines written in the form of a question are very effective, as they appeal to your potential customers' emotions. When they read a headline written as a question, they'll answer the question in their mind. If the question identifies a specific need, want or desire, they'll read on.
"Double Your Income Within the Next 12 months -- Guaranteed!"
A command headline focuses on the most important benefit your product or service has to offer. It instantly demands your potential customers' attention and intrigues them to read on.
"Announcing a Brand New Breakthrough in E-Publishing"
News headlines are very effective and used to announce new products and services. They are written in the form of an announcement or introduction and create curiosity.
"Internet Marketing Exclusive is Pure Genius -- Our Sales Have Increased by 40%!"
Headlines written in the form of a testimonial are very effective, as they instantly begin building trust.
When writing your headlines, certain words, when combined together, will literally draw your readers' attention to your ad. Below are of few of these "Power Words" that consistently work.


According to a Yale University study, the following words
are the most powerful words in the English language.


Just as certain words ignite different emotions, certain
subjects have a broader interest than others do. Some of
the most popular subjects include wealth, love, health
and safety.
Take your time and try the different formulas according to
your needs. Use a combination of the power words and write
a headline that sells. By learning the art of writing headlines
that focus on the basic human needs and emotions, you can
increase your sales considerably.
Testing and Tracking Your Strategies

Developing and implementing a strategic marketing plan is an essential part of your success. However, unless you're testing and tracking your strategies, you may be losing a great deal of time and money.
You can dramatically increase your sales simply by taking the time to test and track your results. Not only will it help you to determine what's working and what's not, but it will also enable you to focus your efforts on the strategies
that produce results.
When testing your marketing strategies, keep in mind, a strategy that produces results for one person may not produce results for you. There is no 'set in stone' strategy that works for everyone. You must develop your own style and technique and test your results to determine what works for you. Below are some ad tracking resources to assist you in your testing and tracking endeavors.
Ad Tracking CGI Scripts
If you're looking for a simple way to track clickthroughs, then LnkinLite may be your answer. This free script will enable you to easily keep track of the number of clicks a specific link receives. Instead of using your standard link within your advertising, you can use a link created by this script. It will track the number of clickthroughs and instantly redirect your visitors to your URL.
Willmaster's ProLinkz
This powerful script is a link creator, tracker, disguiser and manager all in one. It will enable you to create uniquely coded links that redirect to any URL you specify
and count all hits and referrers. Cost - $45.00
This script will enable you to set up an entire ad tracking campaign including statistical reports for referring URLs, what browsers your visitors have installed, what operating systems your visitors are using and much more. Cost - $47.00
Ad Tracking Services

A free service that tracks the clickthrough rates of your links. In addition to tracking your links, LinkCounter hides the URL of the link destination. This will prevent users from removing or changing your affiliate ID when visiting an affiliate site through your link.
The PRO version of HyperTracker contains a number of advanced features including: unlimited advertising campaigns, tracking of sales and actions, special scripts that let you promote your own website


address in your campaigns and much more.
An online tracking system that will enable you to track an entire advertising campaign. It will enable you to see how many visitors were generated by each of your ads, keep track of sales that were generated by each ad and calculates the
cost-per-click, cost-per-sale, and click-to-sale ratios for each ad.
If you'd rather not use any of the products and services listed above, you can use some alternative methods. Below are some example tracking methods you can use to track your response rates:
You can track your ads simply by adding some special coding to your URL. To code your URL, add a question mark followed by a special tracking code to the end of your web address. Your coded link will still open your web page. Your code
should look something like this:
The text after the question mark should identify a specific ad. You can code it however you'd like.
To view your results, you'll need to look at your log files. Your code will be displayed within your log files beside your URL.
You can track your email responses to specific ads by using the email subject. Select a specific word to be placed within the email subject for each ad. Although you can request that a certain word be placed within the email subject, many times it won't be supplied. To avoid this problem, you can create a special email link that will automatically fill in the subject when clicked on. Your link should look something like this:
mailto:[email protected]?subject=ad1
Testing and tracking your strategies is an essential part of doing business. By concentrating your efforts on strategies that produce results, you can not only increase your sales, but you'll also save yourself a great deal of time and money.
Ezine Advertising

Ezine advertising is one of the most effective forms of advertising used on the Internet. Many ezines sell ad space that may include sponsor ads and/or solo ads. However, solo ads will produce the best results.
Visit the Directory of Ezines for a complete list of publications.
Sponsor Ads
Another great way to promote your products and services is to run sponsor ads in ezines.
Below, is a list of large, highly responsive publications that accept sponsor advertising. Please note, prior to spending any major money, make sure you always test your ads first. A good way to do this is to start out by running an ad in AIM. They offer ad space reasonably priced for just this purpose. Once you have an ad that's pulling a good response rate, you can then buy a more expensive ad.
Active Internet Marketer (AIM)
DEMC E-Magazine
Web Marketing Today
BizWeb E-Gazette
Advertising Resources

Place your 40 word text ad in front of thousands of ClickBank affiliates for 700.00 per month. This provides massive exposure.
Google Adwords Enables you to manage your own account, with ads sold on a cost-per-impression (CPM) basis. There's no minimum deposit required. Your ads appear on the right side of the Google search results pages.
Google Adwords Select™ Enables you to manage your own account, and with cost-per-click (CPC) pricing, you pay only when users click on your ad. You control your costs by setting a daily budget for what you are willing to spend each day.
Ezine is the Internet's Search Engine for Ezine Advertisers. Their database includes Email Newsletters and Discussion Lists that accept sponsorship and/or classified ads.
Google Adwords

If you're looking for a low-cost, yet highly effective means of advertising your products and services, then Google AdWords may be your answer.
Google AdWords provides a simple way to purchase highly targeted advertising, regardless of your budget. Unlike other sites selling banner ad space and pay-per-ranking, AdWords provides advertisers with highly effective text ads that are displayed with the search results. Studies have shown that highly targeted keyword advertising produces an average of four times the industry standard clickthrough rate.
Google, one of the premier Search Engines, receives over 29 million searches each day. Their popularity most likely stems from the speed and accuracy of their search results. Needless to say, placing your text ad with Google Adwords will be a highly effective way to advertise your products and services.
It is a well-known fact that text ads perform much better than banner ads. What better way to target your audience than through a popular Search Engine? Your potential customer is there for a reason -- they're looking for something. When a Google visitor types in their keywords, they are almost instantly presented with their search results. On the right side of the results are colored text boxes containing targeted advertisements that match their search terms.
When you place your ad with AdWords, you will have the ability to select a list of tightly targeted keywords including all of the following:
Keyword Matching - Shows your ad when a search includes your selected words.
Phrase Matching - Shows your ad when a search includes your selected phrases.
Exact Query Matching - Shows your ad when a search contains your exact keywords and no others.
Negative Keyword Matching - Will not show your ad if a search contains certain words you select.
This unique targeting technique will enable you to create a highly targeted ad campaign and test your ads with a high rate of accuracy. What's more, you can even target your ads to a specific country or language.
The great thing about advertising with Google AdWords is that you will have complete control over your ad and how much you'd like to spend. You can open an account with a credit card with no minimum deposit required. Once you place your ad, it can begin running almost immediately.
Their advertising rates are very reasonable. The amount you spend on your advertising campaign will depend on two factors: (1) the number of times your ad is displayed and (2) the position, one through eight, in which your ad appears. The advertising rates are as follows:
Position 1 - $15 per thousand ads shown
Position 2 - $12 per thousand ads shown
Position 3 - $10 per thousand ads shown
Position 4 - 8 $8 per thousand ads shown
The position of an ad is determined by how well it is performing. Ads with a higher clickthrough rate will receive a higher position and in turn will cost more.
In order to increase your clickthrough rate and spend less money, try to select keywords and phrases that specifically target the product or service you're offering. Avoid using common words, as these will use up your ad displays very
rapidly. Instead, select words that specifically target your product or service. For example, instead of using a general keyword like 'software,' use a keyword that focuses on a specific software such as 'FrontPage 2002.' Or, a little less focused, 'web design software.' In addition, make sure you use your keyword phrase (search term) as the title of your ad. This will increase your clickthrough rate considerably.
When you set up your account with Google, make sure you use a different ad for each search term. Not only will this increase your ad's relevance in the search results, but it will also increase your clickthrough rate.
Once you place your ad, you can easily track your ad's response rate and make adjustments instantly. This is a great, low-cost way to find out which ads are performing the best.
Google AdWords provides Internet marketers with a cost-effective alternative to banner advertising. If you want to increase your traffic and sales, give AdWord a try -- you'll be glad you did.
For further information, visit Google AdWords:

It's a proven fact that the use of popup windows is a highly effective marketing technique that produces great results. However, they can be very irritating to your visitors. How can you use this powerful marketing technique without offending your visitors? Compromise and use a popup window that only displays the first time your visitor enters your site.
Your first step in creating your popup window will be to create an HTML document that will contain your window contents. The key to using this technique effectively is to give your visitors a reason to respond to your offer. For example, if you're using your popup window to gain new subscribers to your publication, offer a free gift just for subscribing. This will increase your response considerably.
Below, is an example popup window that you can use to gain new subscribers. It is set up with "tables" and will adjust to fit your new window. Copy and paste the following code into your HTML and edit as needed:

<TITLE>Claim Your FREE Gift</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
<TD BGCOLOR="red"><P ALIGN=Center>
<FONT face="Verdana,Helvetica" SIZE="3" color="white">
<B>Claim Your FREE Gift!</B></FONT>
<TD><B><FONT face="Verdana,Helvetica" SIZE="3"><BR>
Subscribe to YOUR PUBLICATION for a wealth of information
to assist you in YOUR PUBLICATIONS SUBJECT. <FONT color=
"red">ALL new subscribers will receive YOUR FREE GIFT.
<INPUT type="text" name="email" value="[email protected]"
size="20" onfocus="value=''">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Subscribe"></TD>
<P ALIGN=Center>
<A HREF="javascript: self.close()"><FONT face="Verdana,
Helvetica" SIZE="2">Close Window</FONT></A><BR>

Save your new document as "popup.htm" and upload it to your server where you store your HTML documents.
Your next step will be to place the following script within your HTML
after your <BODY> tag.

function GetCookie(name) {
var arg=name+"=";
var alen=arg.length;
var clen=document.cookie.length;
var i=0;
while (i<clen) {
var j=i+alen;
if (document.cookie.substring(i,j)==arg)
return "here";
i=document.cookie.indexOf(" ",i)+1;
if (i==0) break;
return null;
var visit=GetCookie("COOKIE1");
if (visit==null){
var expire=new Date(); = "thiswin";
newwin=open("popup.htm", "dispwin",
expire=new Date(expire.getTime()+7776000000);
document.cookie="COOKIE1=here; expires="+expire;
// -->

If you saved your new window document as anything other than "popup.htm," you'll need to change the "popup.htm" text within the script to your new file name. You can also change the width and height settings to whatever you'd like.
However, make sure that all of the information within your window is visible.
Popup windows provide Internet marketers with a great way to gain new subscribers, introduce new products and announce special offers. Their response rate is outstanding. With the use of this great script, you can use the power of popup windows without continuously nagging your visitors.

Yahoo Launches Global Media Review - Advertising Age - Agency News


Yahoo Launches Global Media Review

Business Currently Split Between Mindshare, NEO

Yahoo has initiated a global review of its traditional and digital media planning and buying account.

"We are conducting a review as part of normal business practice to determine the best partner for Yahoo going forward," Yahoo spokesman Graham Jones told Ad Age.

It is unclear at this point which agencies will be taking part in the review, but media-agency executives who have seen the review said the company is looking for a media shop with a "strong presence on the West Coast."

The business is split between WPP siblings Mindshare, which handles traditional global buying, and Neo, which handles digital buying duties.

Mindshare referred calls to the client. NEO did not return phone calls.

Yahoo spent $45 million on measured media in the U.S. last year, according to Kantar Media.

Last September, Yahoo launched the 18-month long $100 million "It's You" campaign, the first major ad effort to take place under CEO Carol Bartz, who joined the company in January of 2009. Less than a month into the campaign, Yahoo announced that it was adding Omnicom Group's Goodby, Silverstein & Partners to its roster and shifting the focus of longtime creative partner WPP's Ogilvy & Mather to global advertising efforts.

After a year-and-a-half without a CMO, Yahoo, in March of 2009, named Elisa Steele the company's lead marketer. Over a year later the company named Shane Steele VP-global business marketing in May. In the newly created position Ms. Steele will oversee Yahoo's business-to-business marketing, which includes trade advertising, social-media marketing and Yahoo's advertiser portal.

Last month Yahoo reported second quarter revenue of $1.13 billion and $216 million in profit.

Twitter Hires Sales Force From Yelp, Facebook - Advertising Age - Digital


Twitter Hires Sales Force From Yelp, Facebook

Meanwhile, Virgin America Uses Automated Tool to Buy Tweets


Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Submit to Digg Add to Google Share on StumbleUpon Submit to LinkedIn Add to Newsvine Bookmark on Submit to Reddit Submit to Yahoo! Buzz

NEW YORK ( -- Want to buy an ad on Twitter? Now there's someone to call.

The micro-blog service, which still classifies itself as "pre-revenue," has an enormous user base and a few fledging ad units -- with more on the way. And now it has started building out a sales team starting with two hires: Facebook veteran Dan Coughlin and Yelp's first salesperson, Amanda Levy.

Both will be charged with building out a team to move what Twitter is calling its Promoted Suite, or Twitter ads that today consist of promoted tweets and promoted trends. While Twitter's ad deals and promotions have been experimental thus far, the plan is to ramp up revenue in fourth quarter while trying out different types of ad units.

Twitter has a few ad deals and promotions under its belt, but developing a sales team is key to moving from a global phenomenon to real business. "We're putting together a top-flight sales team as we begin to open our Promoted Suite of products to more companies," said Twitter COO Dick Costolo.

Mr. Coughlin will lead East Coast sales and Ms. Levy will head West Coast sales. Both report to Mr. Costolo.

The micro-blog service sees traditional ads -- or its version of traditional ads -- as one of four potential revenue streams for the company. The others include commerce, such as the promotions for Disney and JetBlue through its EarlyBird service; commercial accounts, which include access to data and analytics; and the data feed itself, which Twitter charges the likes of Google, Microsoft's Bing and Yahoo for.

AllthingsD reported last month that Twitter is mulling the addition of a "promoted user" unit, which would, in effect, allow people or companies to pay for more Twitter followers. That could fit with Twitter's recently introduced "who to follow" feature. Twitter declined to comment but did say that there will be much experimentation over the next few months, some of which will be made public and some conducted discretely, to figure out what sticks.

Because Twitter is a distributed service largely accessed by its 160 million users through third-party apps, the uniting principal is that all Twitter ad units have to travel where the tweets go.

So far, Coke, Disney, Sony and News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox have been high-profile advertisers on "promoted trends," which appear beneath the top 10 organic "trends" on Twitter's home page, while Virgin America has been using "promoted tweets" since it launched in April.

Porter Gale, VP-marketing at Virgin America, said the marketer has been using an automated dashboard to buy Twitter's first unit, the promoted tweet, but the company still picks up the phone for Twitter's advice on how to make its commercial tweets more authentic.

"They are a very collaborative partner, and we do ask them for support and advice," she said. "We ask them, 'What do you think?'"

Virgin America is one of a few marketers that has used all forms of Twitter ad units -- tweets, trends and EarlyBird -- and it used all three for its recent $39 fare sale. That campaign generated the fourth-biggest sales day in Virgin's history, Ms. Gale said, with more than 10,000 bookings.

Twitter stresses that its commerce offering, EarlyBird, is nascent and that additional features are coming. Right now, all Twitter users see the same offer, but Shiva Rajamaran, product manager for Twitter's commerce initiatives, said he'd like to see the offers target segment, user interest and location.

Online advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Online advertising

Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.


  • 1 Competitive advantage over traditional advertising
  • 2 Ethics
    • 2.1 Malware
    • 2.2 Privacy
  • 3 Revenue models
  • 4 Types
    • 4.1 E-mail advertising
    • 4.2 Affiliate marketing
    • 4.3 Contextual advertising
    • 4.4 Behavioral targeting
    • 4.5 Semantic advertising
  • 5 Ad server market structure
  • 6 See also
  • 7 References
  • 8 External links

[edit] Competitive advantage over traditional advertising

One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. To that end, the emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have hitherto adopted an interruptive strategy.

Another benefit is the efficiency of advertiser's investment. Online advertising allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites. For example, AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and AdSense enable ads to be shown on relevant web pages or alongside search results of related keywords.

[edit] Ethics

Online advertising encompasses a range of types of advertising, some of which are deployed ethically and some are not. Some websites use large numbers of advertisements, including flashing banners that distract the user, and some have misleading images designed to look like error messages from the operating system, rather than advertisements. Websites that unethically use online advertising for revenue frequently do not monitor what advertisements on their website link to, allowing advertisements to lead to sites with malicious software or adult material.

Website operators that ethically use online advertising typically use a small number of advertisements that are not intended to distract or irritate the user, and do not detract from the design and layout of their websites.[1] Many website owners deal directly with companies that want to place ads, meaning that the website linked to by the advertisement is legitimate.

The overuse of technologies like Adobe Flash in online advertising has led to some users disabling it in their browsers, or using browser plug-ins like Adblock or NoScript. Many sites use centralized advertising services whose advertisement may be blocked as a side effect of security and privacy measures, because the services require JavaScript and cross-site requests to function, while such features are often not necessary to use the sites and are a potential source of vulnerabilities.

Legitimate advertising often is opt-in, or has a clear opt-out option, which differentiates it from spam.

[edit] Malware

There is also a class of advertising methods which are considered unethical and may even be illegal. These include external applications which alter system settings (such as a browser's home page), spawn pop-ups, and insert advertisements into non-affiliated webpages. Such applications are usually labelled as spyware or adware. They may mask their questionable activities by performing a simple service, such as displaying the weather or providing a search bar. These programs are designed to dupe the user, acting effectively as Trojan horses. These applications are commonly designed so as to be difficult to remove or uninstall. The ever-increasing audience of online users, many of whom are not computer-savvy, frequently lack the knowledge and technical ability to protect themselves from these programs.

[edit] Privacy

See also: HTTP cookie#Privacy and third-party cookies

The use of online advertising has implications on the privacy and anonymity of users. If an advertising company has placed banners in two Web sites. Hosting the banner images on its servers and using third-party cookies, the advertising company is able to track the browsing of users across these two sites.

Third-party cookies can be blocked by most browsers to increase privacy and reduce tracking by advertising and tracking companies without negatively affecting the user's Web experience. Many advertising operators have an opt-out option to behavioural advertising, with a generic cookie in the browser stopping behavioural advertising.[2]

[edit] Revenue models

The three most common ways in which online advertising is purchased are CPM, CPC, and CPA.

  • CPM (Cost Per Mille), also called "Cost Per Thousand (CPT), is where advertisers pay for exposure of their message to a specific audience. "Per mille" means per thousand impressions, or loads of an advertisement. However, some impressions may not be counted, such as a reload or internal user action.
  • CPV (Cost Per Visitor) is where advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website.
  • CPV (Cost Per View) is when an advertiser pays for each unique user view of an advertisement or website (usually used with pop-ups, pop-unders and interstitial ads).
  • CPC (Cost Per Click) is also known as Pay per click (PPC). Advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. They do not actually pay for the listing, but only when the listing is clicked on. This system allows advertising specialists to refine searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay per click pricing system, advertisers pay for the right to be listed under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to the target site.
  • CPA (Cost Per Action) or (Cost Per Acquisition) advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. This is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate to charge.
    • Similarly, CPL (Cost Per Lead) advertising is identical to CPA advertising and is based on the user completing a form, registering for a newsletter or some other action that the merchant feels will lead to a sale.
    • Also common, CPO (Cost Per Order) advertising is based on each time an order is transacted.
    • CPE (Cost Per Engagement) is a form of Cost Per Action pricing first introduced in March 2008. Differing from cost-per-impression or cost-per-click models, a CPE model means advertising impressions are free and advertisers pay only when a user engages with their specific ad unit. Engagement is defined as a user interacting with an ad in any number of ways.[3]
  • Cost per conversion Describes the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the number of conversions. The definition of "Conversion" varies depending on the situation: it is sometimes considered to be a lead, a sale, or a purchase.

[edit] Types

Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no extra costs.

  • Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content.
  • Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the webpage.
  • Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed
  • Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.
  • Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an error message or an alert.
  • Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an advertisement, or entire webpage.
  • Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active windows.
  • Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed. This is the kind of advertising most prominent in television, and many advertisers will use the same clips for both television and online advertising.
  • Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps.
  • Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.
  • Interstitial ad: a full-page ad that appears before a user reaches their original destination.

In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular with advertisers.

[edit] E-mail advertising

Legitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail advertising" to distinguish it from spam.

[edit] Affiliate marketing

Main article: Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of online advertising where advertisers place campaigns with a potentially large number of small (and large) publishers, whom are only paid media fees when traffic to the advertiser is garnered, and usually upon a specific measurable campaign result (a form, a sale, a sign-up, etc). Today, this is usually accomplished through contracting with an affiliate network.

Affiliate marketing was an invention by in 1994 and was excelled by when it launched its Affiliate Program, called Associate Program in 1996. The online retailer used its program to generate low cost brand exposure and provided at the same time small websites a way to earn some supplemental income.

[edit] Contextual advertising

Many advertising networks display graphical or text-only ads that correspond to the keywords of an Internet search or to the content of the page on which the ad is shown. These ads are believed to have a greater chance of attracting a user, because they tend to contain content relevant to the user's search query. For example, a search query for "flowers" might return an advertisement for a florist's website.

Another newer technique is embedding keyword hyperlinks in an article which are sponsored by an advertiser. When a user follows the link, they are sent to a sponsor's website.

[edit] Behavioral targeting

In addition to contextual targeting, online advertising can be targeted based on a user's past clickstream. For example, if a user is known to have recently visited a number of automotive shopping / comparison sites based on clickstream analysis enabled by cookies stored on the user's computer, that user can then be served auto-related ads when they visit other, non-automotive sites.

[edit] Semantic advertising

Semantic advertising applies semantic analysis techniques to web pages. The process is meant to accurately interpret and classify the meaning and/or main subject of the page and then populate it with targeted advertising spots. By closely linking content to advertising, it is assumed that the viewer will be more likely to show an interest (i.e., through engagement) in the advertised product or service.

[edit] Ad server market structure

Given below is a list of top ad server vendors in 2008 with figures in millions of viewers published in an Attributor survey. Since 2008 Google controls estimated 69% of the online advertising market.[4]

Ad viewers (millions)


DoubleClick (Google)


MSN (Microsoft)




It should be noted that Google acquired DoubleClick in 2007 for a consideration of $3.1 Billion. The above survey was based on a sample of 68 million domains.

[edit] See also

  • Industry calculations:
    • Click Through Rate (CTR)
    • Cost Per Action (CPA)
      • effective Cost Per Action (eCPA)
    • Cost Per Click or Pay Per Click (CPC or PPC)
    • Cost Per Impression (CPI)
      • Cost Per Mille (CPM), also known as Cost Per Thousand (CPT)
        • effective Cost Per Mille (eCPM)
  • Classified advertising
  • Web advertising:
    • Ad filtering
    • Advertising network
    • Article marketing
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Central ad server
    • Click fraud
    • Dot Commercials
    • In-text advertising
    • Online classified advertising
    • Overlay
    • Pay per click
    • Pay per play
    • Performance-based advertising
    • Pop-up ad
    • Semantic advertising
    • Tribal Fusion (Ad Network)
    • Unicast ad
    • Web banner
  • E-mail advertising:
    • e-mail spam
    • opt-in e-mail advertising
    • spamming
  • Search Engines
    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Mobile Advertising
    • Mobile Marketing
    • Mobile Development
    • WAP

Internet Search Advertising Techniques


4 Effective Search Advertising Techniques

One of the fastest-growing forms of small business advertising is internet search advertising. Traditional forms of advertising, such as radio, TV, and newspaper ads, are no longer as effective as they once were. And with the constantly growing use of the World Wide Web, consumers are now searching for and finding the businesses they need, rather than businesses reaching out to them through traditional ads.

What does that mean for your small business? It means you must have an internet presence and form a sound search engine marketing strategy that will get your business noticed by the people who will benefit from your products or services.

Here are four search advertising techniques that will help your small business get a higher ranking and get noticed by customers.

  1. Pay Per Click (PPC) – This is a paid form of advertising that has proven to work for millions of small businesses. You simply write a short ad that will appear when internet users search for certain and specific keywords. If your ad is compelling and promises to meet the potential customer’s needs, they will click on the ad and go to your website or any other landing page you design. You can set up PPC ads with all the major search engines, but the trick is choosing the right keywords that will get your ad noticed. The best part about PPC advertising is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

  2. Pay Per Call – Similar to pay per click, pay per call includes a phone number for internet customers to call. Research has shown that many people still prefer live interaction with businesses and like to make contact with a live person. Like pay per click, pay per call ads only charge when a legitimate customer calls a provided number. Again, the key to success is to choose the most specific keywords that are affordable and pertinent to your business and its location.

  3. Effective Landing Pages – After getting your search ad noticed, the page on which a customer lands is the next most important search advertising element. Your landing page must deliver what the customer needs. If you customer searched for “organic food restaurants” and you deliver them to a non-organic café website, your search engine marketing has failed. Make sure your landing page is well designed with easy navigation and explains in more detail what your business offers pertinent to your search marketing keywords.

  4. Articles and Blogs – Search engine results display pertinent information to specific keywords. You can get your business noticed online by writing a regular blog or contributing articles to other databases. Write blog posts and articles that are helpful, interesting, and authoritative to potential customers. Use specific keywords liberally so it will get picked up by search engine “bots,” and always be sure to provide a link to your small business website.

    You can make search engine advertising and marketing work for your business without spending a lot of money. There are many other effective ways to get successful internet search advertising. Use these tips, and research others, and form your strategy for internet search advertising today.