Showing newest 3 of 22 posts from May 27, 2010. Show older posts
Showing newest 3 of 22 posts from May 27, 2010. Show older posts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Google Corporate Information - Company Overview via point of view


Company Overview

How Google Works
Watch these videos to learn about our business basics.

Our name

Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin named the search engine they built "Google," a play on the word "googol," the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name reflects the immense volume of information that exists, and the scope of Google's mission: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.


When you visit or one of more than 150 other Google domains, you can find information in many different languages (and translate between them), check stock quotes and sports scores, find news headlines and look up the address of your local post office or grocery store. You can also find images, videos, maps, patents and much more. With universal search technology, you can often find all of these things combined in one query.

Of course, there is a lot of information in the world that is not yet online, so we're also working to get more of it digitized, such as in Google Books or the Google News Archive. We also know that whenever you search the web you want it to be as fast as possible, with all your favorite websites at your fingertips, so we offer software like Google Toolbar and Google Chrome to help you browse the web quickly and easily.

Search is how Google began, and it's at the heart of what we do today. We devote more engineering time to search than to any other product at Google, because we believe that search can always be improved. We are constantly working to provide you with more relevant results so that you find what you're looking for faster. To that end, we've added services such as personalized search, which tailors results for you if you are signed in to your Google account.


As a business, Google generates the majority of its revenue by offering advertisers measurable, cost-effective and highly relevant advertising, so that the ads are useful to the people who see them as well as to the advertisers who run them.

Hundreds of thousands of advertisers worldwide use our Google AdWords program to promote their products and services on the web. Advertisers bid in an open and competitive auction to have their ads appear alongside the search results for particular keywords. They can specify the geographic location and time of day for their ads to appear. As a result, people see ads that are so useful and relevant that they become a valuable form of information in their own right.

Since we believe you should know when someone has paid to put a message in front of you, we distinguish ads from search results or other content on a page by labeling them as "sponsored links" or "Ads by Google". We don't sell ad placement in our search results, nor do we allow people to pay for a higher ranking there.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of partners, from bloggers to major online publishers, participate in our Google AdSense program. This program delivers ads from our AdWords advertisers that are relevant to the content or search results on partner sites. The AdSense program enables advertisers to extend the reach of their ad campaigns, improves partners' ability to generate revenue from their content, and delivers relevant ads for their users.

In addition to our core AdWords and AdSense programs, we offer a number of other services to advertisers, including various advertising formats on YouTube, Google TV Ads, as well as online ad serving and management services through DoubleClick. Finally, we aim to make advertising more measurable and efficient with free tools for advertisers such as Google Analytics, Website Optimizer, Insights for Searchand Ad Planner. These tools help advertisers to analyze their campaigns, test them, and make them more efficient and effective.


We build web applications, or "apps", to make it simpler for people to share information and get things done together. Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs help people communicate and collaborate more easily, whether planning a wedding or building a business itinerary. The information is stored securely online, accessible from any device with a web connection. And because it lives online, it's easy to share with a group of collaborators. Everyone in the group can work on the same material at the same time, even if they're working in different buildings, countries or continents.

Today people want the same ease of use on their work computers that they have on their increasingly powerful personal computers. This is why we offer businesses a suite called Google Apps. It's powerful enough for large enterprises (we use it across all of Google, in fact) but simple enough for mom-and-pop businesses too. We're continually improving Google Apps, so you always have the latest version without worrying about maintenance or upgrades. And it's much less expensive than most traditional software. Google Apps is designed to fit the way people naturally live, work and socialize, so they can focus on what they're doing rather than worrying about maintaining the software.

We built Google Apps from the ground up for today's connected world. Our infrastructure is designed to keep our users' data safe and secure and to make our apps fast and responsive. We firmly believe that on the web, your data belongs to you, and should be portable: when you use Google Apps, you can export your mail, documents, photos or calendar entries whenever you like.


You should be able to access all of Google's services wherever you are – even if you don't have a computer nearby. We make it easy for you to use your favorite Google products, from Google Maps to YouTube, right from your phone. As mobile devices become increasingly central to people's lives, we work hard to find new and better ways to help you get the information you need when you are on the go.

We're also focused on enabling others to innovate in the mobile space. Working closely with the Open Handset Alliance, we developed Android, the world's first fully open platform that any mobile developer can use and any hardware manufacturer can install on a device. Android was built with the web in mind, and we believe that it will help drive innovation so that more people can use better and cheaper mobile devices to access the Internet.

The road ahead

A lot has changed since the first Google search engine appeared. We have grown and expanded our offerings from a single service to dozens, often in as many languages. We now have thousands of employees and offices around the world. But some things haven't changed: our dedication to our users and our belief in the possibilities of the Internet itself.

Corporate Information - Company Overview



SEO Article Writing: How To Write A Keyword Rich Title

05 2010 Wednesday


By Steve Shaw in Writing

Writing a keyword rich article title is beneficial to your article, but is it possible to balance SEO article writing with writing that also appeals to human readers?


If you follow the techniques and advice in this article, you will be creating titles that make sense, grab the reader’s attention, and accurately portray what your article is about.

Here’s where many people go wrong:

They write their article, then they say: “Now I need to figure out a way to get my keyword phrase into my title.”

Sometimes this afterthought approach works, but most of the time it doesn’t. When you create your article and title and then backtrack and try to get your keyword phrase in your headline, the result often looks unnatural and does not make sense.

Here’s the trick:

Do the opposite. Instead of finishing by trying to force your keywords into your already constructed article and title, use your keywords as a beginning point. Take your keyword phrase and brainstorm some natural sounding titles that incorporate that phrase. Then, write an article to satisfy the title.

Let’s look at some examples of keyword rich titles (listing the keyphrase first, then the titles):

  • *Healthy Eating Habits*
  • 10 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Help You Live Longer
  • Healthy Eating Habits For Children
  • *Short Track Speed Skating*
  • The History of Short Track Speed Skating
  • Short Track Speed Skating: A Beginner’s Guide

Each one of these titles makes sense, is comprehensible to a human reader, and is engaging enough to catch the attention of a reader interested in any of these topics. These titles are keyword rich, while still appealing to human readers. This is what you’re going for!

Notice that each of these phrases is a long tail keyword phrase (3-5 words long). When you are doing your keyword research you will come up with a list of long tail keyphrases and a list of 2 word keyword phrases. The long tail phrases are to be used in generating article titles and topics. The shorter main phrases are to be used in your resource boxes.

Does It Matter Where I Put My Keyphrase In My Title?

You may notice that some of the sample titles have the targeted phrase at the beginning of the title. If you can manage it in a natural sounding way, try to include the phrase at the beginning of the title. If not, don’t worry about it.

The point is not to use a strict title formula each time. Your goal is to generate quality titles that will attract readers, convey what the article is about, and also incorporate the keyphrase in a natural sounding way. If you come up with a great title that has the keyword phrase at the middle or the end of the title, then that’s fine. Focus on creating titles that are interesting and appealing to your target readers.

After you have gone through your list of long tail keywords and generated a few titles for each, then pick a title and write an article for it.

You see, this is the reverse of what many people do–take your key phrase, then brainstorm titles, then write an article that fulfills what the title promises. The result is a natural looking title and article. This is the type of article and title that readers, publishers, and search engines will love.

For more info on how you can use article marketing to reach thousands of potential prospects for your website, go now to . Steve Shaw is an article marketing expert and founder of the popular article distribution service used by thousands of business owners.

Article Marketing Strategy: What Topics Should I Cover In My Articles?

05 2010 Tuesday


By Steve Shaw in Writing

As you’re writing articles for article marketing, you may wonder what sorts of topics are appropriate for you to write about.

Can you write an article about one topic but then have a link in the resource box going to a website on a completely unrelated topic?

This is an excellent question on a topic that can dramatically impact the success of your article marketing campaign:

What topics should you cover in your articles?

You should always write articles on the general topic of your website.

For example, if your website is about dog training, then all of your articles should be on topics related to dog training.

Why in the world does it matter what your article topic is so long as you have a link going back to your website in the resource box?

Put yourself in your reader’s shoes for a minute:

If a reader is getting value from your educational article on dog training, he will likely be interested in additional information this topic. He will read your article and then think:

“This author knows his stuff about dog training. He is surely an expert in his niche. I’d like to take a look at his website to find more information on this topic.”

When you’re writing articles on your topic, that is the way that things should go.

But what would be the result if your website was about dog training, but you decided to write an article that was about how to grow heirloom tomatoes?

A reader interested in growing heirloom tomatoes would enjoy your article and then be hungry for more information on this topic. He would look to your resource box to find out more about you and your specialty. He’d also like to see your website to see if you have any additional information about growing tomatoes.

And what does he see when he looks at your resource box?

Information about dog training! What is up with that?

You had a reader on the hook just ready to be reeled into your website, but you lost him because your article was not on the topic of your website.

Remember, article marketing is not just about the links. The article matters. The article will be read by human readers who may then click the link in your resource box that leads back to your website. Writing on-topic articles makes the most of your article marketing efforts and increases the number of people who click the link in your resource box.

Now, let’s consider how the topic of your article affects your ranking in Google.

Every link is not the same. Google likes to see that the link in your resource box relates to what your website is about.

One of Google’s goals when looking at the links of your website is to determine what your website is about. If your article is about dog training and your website is about the same topic, then the link in your resource box affirms to Google that your website is about dog training. This is why an article on a topic that is unrelated to your website is not very helpful to Google.

Writing on-topic articles increases the significance of each link that you build.

Additionally, when you write articles on the same topic as your website, your articles can help establish you as an expert in your niche, which goes a long way in winning customer confidence and increased sales.

Writing articles on one general topic takes more focus and effort, but the result is worthwhile.

For more info on how you can use article marketing to reach thousands of potential prospects for your website, go now to . Steve Shaw is an article marketing expert and founder of the popular article distribution service used by thousands of business owners.

15 Proven Copywriting Techniques to Help Improve Your Sales Conversions

05 2010 Monday


By David Jackson in Writing

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

This is especially true, when it comes to copywriting techniques. The same timeless copywriting techniques that were so successful fifty years ago, are just as effective today. In fact, some of the greatest ads in the history of advertising were written during the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

This exciting time period was known as The Golden Age of Advertising.

In that regard, I’ve decided to compile a list of time-tested copywriting techniques to help improve your sales conversions. Please don’t look for anything new here. Like I said earlier, these time-tested techniques are just as effective today as they were fifty years ago.

However, with the advent of the Internet, sometimes we need to be reminded of that fact.

1. Always Use a Compelling Headline

Readers will decide whether or not to read your ad, based solely on how compelling your headline is. And if your headline doesn’t capture the readers imagination, your ad is pretty much destined to fail. That’s how critically important it is to get the readers attention.

In essence, your headline needs to act like a big red stop sign. Your headline has to make readers slam on their eyeball brakes. This is especially true for online copy, because Internet users are notorious scanners.

If you would like to learn how to write effective headlines, I highly recommend you check out Brian Clark’s outstanding copywriting blog, CopyBlogger.

2. Get Right to the Point

After your headline gets the readers attention, next, you want to get them interested in your product or service. You do that by immediately delivering what your headline promises.

In other words, respect the readers time and get right to the point. That way, the reader can decide immediately if she wants to continue reading the rest of your copy.

Whatever you do, don’t string your readers along unnecessarily with a bunch of fluff designed to fill out your ad. For instance, did you notice how got quickly I got right to the point in this article?

3. Long Copy vs. Short Copy

There’s been a debate going on in Internet Marketing circles for several years about long copy vs. short copy. I’m going to end that debate right now.

Research has shown that long copy usually outperforms short copy – provided the copy is well-written and interesting. Every single day, people read long newspaper and magazine articles, as well as novels. They will read your long copy IF it is interesting.

That being said, I don’t believe you should intentionally set out to write long copy. Only make your copy as long as it needs to be to effectively sell your product or service. No longer.

4. Use Subheads and Bullet Points

Subheads and bullet points are important, because they serve two purposes: 1. They break up your copy, so that it’s easier to read. 2. They act like stop signs.

Remember what I said earlier? Internet users are notorious scanners. They’ll scan your copy first, before deciding whether or not to actually read it. That’s why compelling subheads and bullet points are so important.

5. Write the Way You Talk

Writing the way you talk is known as “conversational copy.” What’s conversational copy? Conversational copy simply means talking to the reader in a conversational manner – like you’re talking to your best friend.

6. Keep it Simple

Don’t try to be cute or clever with your writing. The purpose of copywriting is to sell products – not impress readers with your brilliance. keep your writing simple, instead of composing riddles or using sophisticated jargon.

The goal of your copy should be to entice readers to buy what you’re selling – period. Leave the riddles to The Riddler.

7. It’s Not About You

You may be a very nice person – the salt of the earth, in fact. That being said, readers don’t care about “YOU.” The only thing they care about is what can you do to help them solve their problem?

“What’s in it for ME?” That’s all your readers really care about. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about your readers.

8. Always Sell Benefits

When you write copy, don’t make the mistake of focusing on features instead of benefits. There’s a huge difference. Features are the sizzle. Benefits are the steak. Features are distinctive characteristics that distinguishes your product or service from similar items.

Benefits, on the other hand describe how your product or service will help the customer solve her problem. In other words, what the customer will gain by using your product or service.

For example, let’s suppose your company sells light bulbs. A couple of features of your light bulbs may be the fact they burn cooler than normal bulbs and are guaranteed to last 10 years.

However, the benefits customers will derive from purchasing your light bulbs is the amount of money they will save on their electric bill, as well as the amount of money they will save not having to buy new bulbs every few months.

9. Be Specific

To make your copywriting as compelling as possible, you should always be specific. For example, instead of saying “lose weight” say, “lose 10 pounds in 10 days!” That’s a much more compelling statement. Be specific.

10. Use Testimonials

Using testimonials from current customers is an extremely powerful way to reassure prospects. But you have to do it correctly. Always use your customers full name and where they live. For example, David Jackson, Albany, NY, as opposed to initials only. When you read a testimonial written by DJ, New York, chances are it’s a bogus testimonial. NEVER use bogus testimonials, or you will find yourself in trouble with the FTC.

11. Offer a FREE Bonus

Offering a free bonus is one of the most effective copywriting techniques you can use. Not only does it give prospective customers extra incentive to purchase your product or service, free bonuses have been proven to dramatically increase sales conversions. The best type of free bonus is something unique – something that has real value – something that you can afford to give away cost-effectively.

12. Use a P.S.

Readership studies show that after the headline, readers scan down to the end of the sales letter to read the P.S. (post- script). This means that the P.S is the second-most read part of a sales letter. Use this knowledge wisely. Make your post-script as potent as possible. Use it to summarize your offer, and as a final “call to action” to make prospects BUY NOW!

Here’s an example of an effective post-script:

P.S. Order NOW, and receive a FREE Blackberry. But only if you Order NOW!

One last thing. You’ve probably seen sales letters that use multiple post-scripts. I strongly disagree with this practice. In my opinion, using multiple post-scripts dilutes the effectiveness of your P.S.

13. Use Bold Type and Highlighting Sparingly

The overuse of bold, italics and highlighting in copywriting is rampant. Seriously. I’ve seen ads and sales letters that were so overly-highlighted, they looked like a big mustard sandwich with ants…hideous!

Unfortunately, I see this all too often with sales copy, as well as other types of copy. You should use bold type and highlight sparingly, and only to emphasize certain words, sentences or paragraphs.

If you overdo it with these tools, you dramatically dilute their effectiveness. Then it becomes impossible to effectively “highlight” (no pun intended) the points you were trying to emphasize.

Remember, “when you emphasize everything, you emphasize nothing!”

14. Test Your Copy

Testing is a critical element of successful marketing. You should always test your copy, to make sure that you are obtaining optimum results.

Experiment with different headlines in your ads and sales letters. Tweak your copy to increase conversion rates. You’d be surprised what a difference changing a few words here and there can make.

Did you know changing a single word in a headline has been known increase response by as much as 1700%? It’s true. That’s why testing your copy is so important.

The easiest way to test your copy is with multi-variate testing software, such as Google’s Website Optimizer.

By the way, when tweaking your copy, don’t make wholesale changes all at once. Tweak a little bit at a time. For example, test different headlines and subheads first, before delving into the body of your ad or sales letter.

15. Give a Strong Guarantee

One of the best things you can do to reassure prospective customers and give them peace of mind is to offer a strong guarantee. Unfortunately, some marketers are afraid to guarantee their products for fear of being hit with a mountain of refund requests. Their fear is unfounded. Here’s the truth:

If you provide good value for the dollar, statistics show that less than 2% of your customers will ask for a refund. In fact, even if you offer lousy value, most people just won’t go through the hassles of requesting a refund. That’s a fact.

Here’s something else to consider. Offering s strong guarantee has been known to increase sales dramatically. So, how long should your guarantee be? At least 30 days. But if you really believe in your product, the longer, the better. About the author

David Jackson is a marketing consultant, and the owner of – Powerful, free marketing tips to help grow your business.

3 Thought Leader Article Templates That Will Help You Attract More Clients Like Magnets

05 2010 Monday


By Eric Gruber in Writing

Some business owners attract clients and customers like magnets. Their marketing seems effortless. They don’t advertise. They haven’t made a cold call in years. They charge more. They’re regularly asked to speak at conferences and are featured in newspapers and magazines. Their articles are found on top websites and ezines. They’re invited to be guest bloggers on very influential blogs. And, everyone knows their name, and they get all the business they can handle.

It’s almost as though they were famous.

Their names come to mind when people are looking for a particular product or service. They get more business – not only more, but the right kind of business. Unlike you, they don’t have to work so hard to get it.


Because they have become a thought leader in their industry. You can too if you start writing articles with the idea of becoming a thought leader.

3 New Article Templates for a Thought Leader WannaBe.

Article template #1 – A Little Bit of Controversy

An article stating a controversial opinion can attract interest and readers if it is written well and based on facts and if it avoids inflammatory statements or personal judgments. Although “controversial” implies disagreement, you don’t have to use words that intentionally create divisions among readers and set one group of readers against the other.

Your goal as a thought leader should be to tell the truth, even if it’s uncomfortable or challenges common assumptions. Make controversy a side effect of your article rather than its goal.

Article Template #2 – Predictions

It’s generally believed that authors who make informed, reliable predictions gain credibility in their field. Good predictions are based on knowledge, experience and an ability to recognize and explain trends, developments and signals. They provide a glimpse of what lies ahead and are highly sought after by those not yet in-the-know.

Using this article template, you can quickly tap into your particular knowledge and expertise to generate articles that are both enticing and provide a high-value insider perspective for your readers.

Article Template #3 – Traps and How to Escape Them Article Template

We’ve all been trapped from time to time on almost every plane of possibility, whether it was a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or financial challenge.  With this article template you get to save the day with your expertise by delivering the “escape plan” followed with a Resource Box where they can learn how to further escape from the trap.

Now, I’d like to help you escape your challenges of becoming a thought leader so you can start attracting more clients and customers like magnet. So, I’m going to invite you to claim 3 of my instant article writing templates for free at

This way you can start writing articles more articles, faster. And, then submit your articles to become the expert in your field.

Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber uses the power of articles to create online opportunities for Internet marketers, small business owners, authors, entrepreneurs and speakers who want more publicity, prospects and profits. Now, you can get 3 of his favorite his instant article writing templates that will help you overcome writer’s block and write your articles in 30 minutes or less. Get your free article templates now:

The Golden Secrets to Ebooks With Resell Rights

05 2010 Friday


By Simon Lovell in Writing

One of the biggest “get rich” systems involves buying and redistributing (selling) PLR eBooks. This can be something that is a good supplement to what you are already doing, but can you make your first million off this prospect? Let’s have a look at some of the methods and applications from PLR eBooks and let you decide.

There are basically two types of PLR eBooks; complete books and self-made ones. With complete books these are PLR eBooks that have already been written in their entirety and are ready (in varying degrees) for sale. All the owner has to do is slap their name on the book and change a few links and they can call mom and tell her they are a published author (sort of). Self-made eBooks are eBooks made either “by hand” or through the use of some specialized software. They take multiple PLR articles and combine them into an eBook. If you have the rights to do so, you can alter these articles and make them flow a bit better. No software yet can take boring or very general material and spruce it up better than a human writer. Of course there is a third method for obtaining an eBook on a particular; hire a ghostwriter. The average going rate can be between $15-30 per page. We’ll rule out this option for now and just stick with PLR eBooks.

With PLR eBooks that are already written one has to look at resell rights and observe the letter, if not the spirit of the agreement. Can you alter them? To what extent can you alter them? Premade PLR eBooks can be a little dicey sometimes as often they are someone else’s self-made eBook being marketed from PLR articles someone else purchased. Like cooking sometimes people will enjoy the fare and sometimes they won’t, but the cook always likes their own cooking. Beware, premade PLR books might or might not fit your needs, but you most likely will not know until you have bought the resell rights. Generally it is only then that you actually get to see the work in its entirety. This is where buying from a provider you know and trust comes in.

Making your own PLR eBook has the benefit of being put together using material you already own and (hopefully) like. Be careful when it comes to what you throw in. There are lots of eBook made up of rewritten PLR material thrown together by the author and “bound” into eBook format. You might get away with this or you might not. Really it just depends on the customer base you have. If you decide to go this route make sure that the material you use (the stuff you rewrote and are putting in your book) is no longer available on the internet.

Strong evidence indicates that if one does make their own eBook they should consider rewriting all the material. The law of averages states that if you buy the rights to sell an existing eBook, you most likely will have to do some rewriting as well. If you are not a writer, or too busy to write an entire eBook there is the option of hiring that ghost writer mentioned earlier and having them give it a quick (and much cheaper) run through.

Whatever course of action you take with an eBook, keep it original. Originality, be that in verve or information will make sure you stand out from the crowd and build a customer base. The last piece of advice is simple; realize that if you don’t want to take the time to make sure it is properly written, no one else will want to take the time to read it.

Simon Lovell – Looking for quality PLR ebooks? Check out the Ebook Monkey Maker 7 Day Course FREE. Head to

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Article Templates Right Now

05 2010 Saturday


By Eric Gruber in Writing

Are you a small business owner or internet marketer who’s pulling hair out, grinding teeth and wiping sweat from your brow trying to figure out how to write articles that drive targeted traffic to your website?

Well, then it’s a good thing you’re reading this article, because I’m going to give you the power to get out of that dark, cold, gloomy corner and see the light.


First, I’m going to explain in detail what article writing templates are – and how they can help you overcome your writer’s block. Then, I’m going to give you an opportunity to get 3 of my instant article writing templates for free! These article templates are guaranteed to help you write articles faster – and in many cases, you’ll be able to write articles in 30 minutes or less. So keep reading.

What Are Instant Article Writing Templates

Article templates serve as a blueprint for building great articles in a particular style. They provide the guidance and inspiration you need to quickly and easily build an incredible inventory of high-quality, original articles.

For example, when you get my instant article writing templates at you get worksheets that guide you throughout the process.. Each template is in chart format. All you have to do is put the information that’s in your head and put it exactly where I ask you to. Once the template is complete, all you have to do is copy each section and paste it into a new document – and you’ll have a finished article.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Start Using Instant Article Writing Templates Now

  • Inspiration - Are you stuck at the gate?  Are you confused on how to begin your article? Are you stuck for ideas? Just browsing through through article templates will help you spark an idea for your next set of articles.
  • Speed - Are you thinking in your head right now – It takes too much time to write articles. That’s because most of your article writing time is spent staring at a blank, white screen. Then, you focus a tremendous amount of time trying to organize your ideas in a flowing manner. But, when you use article writing templates, you’re given a structure and format. So you can write articles faster. Rather than spending time on creating the proper structure for your articles, you can now invest the time you save into writing new articles!
  • Ease - Using the right instant article writing templates make it easy to build high-quality articles that are designed to inform readers while also driving traffic back to your website.
  • Clarity - Since these templates have been well thought out in advance, you’re articles will flow smoothly and have a clear introduction, body and conclusion that will make your articles clear and easy to understand.
  • Style – I can’t tell you how many of my article marketing clients sacrificed speed for quality. They had NO flow, NO organization, NO easy transitions. If I had submitted their articles as-is, their articles would not generate results. So, for the last couple of years, I’ve worked hard to solve these article marketing problems that hinder your chances of getting more prospects and sales online. I’ve analyzed hundreds of articles that I’ve written for my blog, for my newsletter and for article submission. I spent hours reviewing all of my client’s articles that I have proofread, formatted and optimized so it can get published on top websites like, I looked for clear patterns and structures that you can use to write your articles right now. You want to use proven article templates that are designed specifically to give you an article layout and structure that insures an attractive, easy-to-read article that’s almost guaranteed to get results.

Where Can You Get Instant Article Writing Templates

Now, if you go to, I’ll give you 3 of my article templates for free! All you have to do is enter your name and email in the provided box, and you’ll immediately receive the article templates download.

You can also find the complete collection at:

Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber uses the power of articles to create online opportunities for Internet marketers, small business owners, authors, entrepreneurs and speakers who want more publicity, prospects and profits. Now, you can get 3 of his favorite his instant article writing templates that will help you overcome writer’s block and write your articles in 30 minutes or less. Get your free article templates now:

Writer’s Block

04 2010 Friday


By Jamie Lyons in Writing

Writer’s block is the scourge of all writers: whether authors of popular fiction, factual content writers or journalists. It’s seemingly random descent can cast doubts on the feasibility of meeting deadlines and cause general unrest. This strange affliction often comes on unprovoked and seems to strike at the most inopportune of moments. Although there is no cure as such (most notably because it is not an ailment per se) there are certainly things that can be done to stimulate the creative zones of your brain back into action to get you back on track.

In many cases, writer’s block is simply an absence of motivation or a prevalence of distractions. Spending too long poring over a written task or spending an inordinate amount of time attempting to re-work or rewrite existing passages can really drain the will to work. Quite simply, writer’s block is generally a side effect of boredom, lack of urgency or pre-occupation. In order to counter this there are a number of techniques, the effectiveness of which is dictated as much by the nature of the individual as it is by the situation.

If you’re unable to complete a piece, article or chapter due to a temporary inability to focus then the first thing to do is step back from the work. Quickly assess your emotions: are you tired, hungry, worried, excited? Although such a seemingly simple, even silly thing to do: by distancing yourself from the task at hand you are more able to focus on the underlying issue. Having established the root of the distraction action can be taken to remedy the problem and regain focus. Obviously time constraints are important here: if you’re exhausted but have a strict deadline then unfortunately short-term remedies such as a boost of caffeine or a brisk walk may be on the agenda. Equally if your distraction spawns from worry about something else then you may not have time to fully address this external problem. A sound alternative in this instance would be to spend a few minutes planning how you will remedy the issue responsible for the distraction once you’ve finished the more urgent writing task- giving you at least some relief and a little more focus.

Some people react well with tight deadlines: others react in the exact opposite manner. The key is to mentally organise yourself in the manner which is most effective for you. If you have no set deadline for completing a task and work best when you do have a deadline then set yourself one! Conversely, if you have a tight deadline but are dwelling on the pressure of completing in time then set yourself smaller deadlines with incremental rewards leading up to completion in the set time.

Writer’s block is a purely mental phenomenon and can be resolved by learning as much as you can about the circumstances in which you work best. Once you know the ideal environment and form of motivation for you then it is easy to go about tailoring the situation to induce maximum productivity.

Written by Jamie Lyons of office supplies Warrington and office supplies Bolton

How To Write A Press Release – 12 Top Tips

04 2010 Monday


By Nick James in Writing

A press release is the standard way to alert the media, and increasingly, the online public, about what you are doing or selling.

The press release forms part of the public relations artillery and should be used wisely. Though mostly written and distributed by PR professionals, you too can competently write your own press releases, if you keep the following 12 key points in mind.

  1. Think of the 5 ‘Ws’: The press release mantra is WWWWW. Before you do anything, think Who, What, When, Where and Why. Fail to include this vital information and it’s a total Waste of time
  2. The golden first paragraph: this is your chance to grab the media’s attention, so make it punchy. The first, short paragraph should announce the ‘5 ‘W’s’ and the rest of the press release will expand upon it
  3. Newsworthy: We call it the ‘news’ because it is ‘new.’ What makes your story press-worthy? What is new about what you are doing? Is there new research? The media love stories about anything that is the biggest, smallest, fastest, world’s first or most exciting. Think of all the ways your story is new, include them, and back up your claims
  4. Concise: A press release should never, ever be longer than two pages of A4. One page is ideal. Keep the font neutral and the layout clear — a 1.5 line spacing is bes
  5. Contact: Always include your contact details at the bottom of the press release. That’s your full name, phone number, mobile and email address
  6. Personal touch: Include a quotation which communicates your key messages in a lively way. Sound ‘thrilled’ or ‘excited’ about what you are announcing. If it’s not really interesting or exciting news, you shouldn’t bother the press with it
  7. Proof, proof and proof again: it is unacceptable to send out a press release full of grammatical errors. Get someone else to proof it, then print it out and proof it again
  8. When emailing your press release, include it clearly in the main body of your email. The media probably won’t bother opening your word document attachment
  9. Balance: it’s a fine, fine line between spin and being downright misleading. Go for an attention grabbing headline, but don’t lie or over-hype your story and NEVER USE CAPITALS AS IT WILL ONLY ANNOY PEOPLE
  10. Write for the task in hand: your press release is not a submission for a prose writing competition. Keep it clear, informative and as factual as possible. Have fun with the headline, but don’t over use ‘fluffy language’ in the main body of the release
  11. It is not a sales pitch: refrain from ’sales speak’; this is not the place. A press release serves to inform the media about a newsworthy event, not flog a product like in an advert (although, that is the desired byproduct of course)
  12. And lastly: use press releases wisely. Expanding your home office into a purpose built garden shed may be big news in your family, but probably less so on the global stage. Put out strong stories and get a good name for yourself. Put out rubbish and, well, it’s your reputation that’ll be at stake.

Nick James is a true example of a self made success. He offers the inside track in every aspect of internet business creation and development. Right now he’s giving away a Free Income Secrets DVD for only �1 S&H while stocks last! Free Nick James DVD

Article Marketing Tip: Who Is Your Online Writing Role Model?

04 2010 Wednesday


By Steve Shaw in Writing

If you do not already have an online writing role model, find one. This is perhaps the best article marketing tip that I can give you to help you grow in your writing.

When you start article marketing, each month you will need to produce a steady stream of articles. At first you may have an initial burst of creative energy that helps you consistently produce your articles, but after a while it’s very easy to lose your focus and your inspiration.

This is where an online writing role model comes in. Not just any type of writing role model, but one who writes for the internet. Online writing is different from any other type of writing.

If you have someone who you can look up to, who you can see producing quality writing on the net, you have a built in motivator. It’s encouraging to think, “If he can do it, so can I!”

Having an web writing role model also helps you to learn. As you watch this person you admire write, you will continuously pick up some of his or her positive writing habits and characteristics.

This is not to say that your writing will mimic someone else’s–quite the contrary. By having someone whose writing you look up to, you will learn from them and have the confidence to develop your own style.

I have a select few web writers who I really look up to, and I’d like to share some of the crucial lessons I’ve learned from them:

Lesson 1 – Your articles should provide a generous amount of helpful information.

When writing an article, the idea is to serve your reader by providing valuable information that is not found elsewhere. Aim to give your reader more than he is expecting. When you write in this fashion, your articles will convey a sense of professionalism, quality, and dedication that readers appreciate.

Lesson 2 – Focus on teaching in your articles.

Not sales, not links, not anything that is directly geared to benefit you. The body of your article is for your readers, and the reason why a reader wants to read your article is to LEARN something. Each article should teach something new. You can be writing on the same topic, but each article should offer new tips, new information, new angles on your topic.

Lesson 3 – It is never a waste of time to thoroughly think through your article structure and proofread it several times.

We’ve all seen articles that are obviously thrown together with little thought for how the article is organized and with numerous spelling or grammar errors. What do you think when you see an article like that? Readers can form some pretty powerful opinions about an author, the author’s business, and the author’s products when the article is obviously low quality. It pays to spend time writing an article that makes sense, has proper spelling and grammar, and offers valuable information to the reader. Writing quality articles takes time, but it’s worth it.

Lesson 4 – Learn to write on your topic from every angle possible.

Publishers do not appreciate seeing virtually the same article being submitted repeatedly. No matter what your topic is, you must come up with a way to offer fresh content. Think about how a beginner would view your topic. Also write articles with more advanced content. Get creative with your approaches to your topic in each article. Any topic can be exciting, depending on how you write about it.

Lesson 5 – Be yourself.

Your articles should demonstrate your expertise, but there’s no need to try to be someone that you’re not. Write about lessons that you’ve learned the hard way. Admit to not always doing things perfectly. Your readers will appreciate your honesty, and they will have the benefit of learning from your experience.

These are some of the major lessons I’ve learned from watching online writers that I admire. Do you have a web writing role model yet? What has he or she taught you?

For more info on how you can use article marketing to reach thousands of potential prospects for your website, go now to . Steve Shaw is an article marketing expert and founder of the popular article submitter used by thousands of business owners.

5 Resources Every Copywriter Must Have

04 2010 Friday


By Elmar Sandyck in Writing

Copywriting is one of the most vital elements of effective online marketing. The art and science of copywriting includes strategically writing words that will promote a person, a product, business, opinion, or ideas with the ultimate intention of having the reader take some form of action.

Whether you are looking into selling something over the internet or in building traffic by earning links from others, you will need to tell moving stories that will grab attention and will connect with people so that they will respond in the way that you want.

There are many copywriting tutorials and great online copywriting course that you can find online. Some of these online copywriting courses and tutorials are packed with comprehensive lessons and tips in doing the job properly. Some even include in-depth copywriting training complete with references and recommendations from professionals. An online copywriting course that is available in the internet can be downloaded or be bought in a DVD format.

Among the many topics discussed in an online copywriting course are the things that every aspiring copywriter should know how to write. Such topics are:

1. Print Ads

Since most copywriters land in advertising jobs, rookie copywriters should spend some time learning about print advertising. When you understand what makes a print ad effective and sellable, you can then move into learning about other medium such as flyers, yellow pages ads and newsletters. Writing print ads can also be a good way to start creating samples for your own portfolio.

2. Brochures

It is not enough that you sit down and try to write to brochure. You should learn the fundamentals in writing one – how the brochure fits into the buying process, if the brochure will stand alone or be tied in with other mediums and what the selling points will be. You have to know the different types of brochures and then start finding your niche among them.

3. Direct Mail

Writing direct mails broadens your knowledge of writing brochures. Every direct mail package is different. Some may include a sales letter or a response card. Others could include a sales letter and a brochure. Being familiar with direct mails helps you be exposed to a different side of advertising that some advertising agencies specialize in exclusively. This can be a great tool to have if you find out that you enjoy writing direct mails.

4. Commercials

Television commercials will help you learn how to write a matching audio and video output. Creating a 30-second TV commercial script can already be a very good exposure in the world of copywriting. Your script needs to have perfect timing. And while you incorporate audio and video, you will also learn about the use of fonts, graphics and will learn how to play with other effects in the commercial. You can also check out writing for radio commercials as well, while you’re at it. You can make use of both TV and radio commercials as additional materials in your portfolio.

5. Websites

Being able to write copy for websites is a necessity for every copywriter. Even large companies that do not sell products online need a website, so having someone maintaining the company’s website is something every company should do. And this is where you being the copywriter comes in.

To Know How Elmar Sandyck Has Created A Very Profitable Internet Business Using Techniques And Strategies Here Learned In The Best Copywriter’s Guild Visit :

SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources » Writing

Website Traffic


Proposed Legislation Will Increase Burden for Website Legal Compliance

05 2010 Monday


By Chip Cooper in Website Traffic

The U.S. Congress will soon be voting on two separate bills, which if they become law will certainly increase the burden on webmasters for website legal compliance, including new disclosures and website legal forms.

Given the current mood in Congress for more and more regulation, it’s likely that the federal government will soon have increased regulatory authority over the advertising practices of Web business – both in terms of how they target consumers and with the advertising messages themselves.

Consumer Privacy Bill to Target Behavioral Ads

Congressman Rick Boucher (D-VA), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Technology and the Internet has been planning to introduce a consumer privacy bill since last year, and he most likely will introduce it in the near future.

Rep. Boucher’s primary target is how advertisers target consumers with behavioral advertising. Web marketers have long sought to use tracking technology to increase the relevance with online ads – the more relevant the ad, the more conversions increase.

Behavioral ads increase relevancy significantly. Behavioral technology tracks a user’s behavior on the Web, including sites visited, length of visits, content read, and searches made. This data is then used to create a behavioral pattern for a specific user which in turn is related to a specific online demographic. Ad networks then serve so-called behavioral ads that are targeted and relevant to that specific demographic.

Many Web advertisers fear that the new bill will require opt-in by consumers. However, Rep. Boucher says he’s leaning toward opt-out.

“Where I want to go with this is generally opt-out,” says Rep. Boucher. “If I were [a publisher or advertiser], I would want Internet users to have a sense that their experience is more secure, that they know what information is collected about them, and they be given much more control. They will be more trusting of electronic commerce. . . .it’s good for business.”

Even if the bill is proposed on an opt-out basis, there will likely be increased regulation in the form of new disclosures and website legal forms requirements indicating how data is tracked and used.

Proposed Expansion of FTC Enforcement Powers

In November, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 which is now under consideration in the U.S. Senate. The bill if passed into law would enlarge the current the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) powers to levy civil penalties on “unfair” and “deceptive” advertising. Under existing law, congressional review and public testimony must take place before penalties can be imposed for “unfair” and “deceptive” advertising. These checks and balances were added by congress in 1975 and 1980 to curb the FTC’s then-broad powers stemming from the act that created the FTC in 1914.

Ad industry proponents fear that the proposed law would enable the FTC to have enforcement authority over anyone providing “substantial assistance” in a violation, including any website that publishes the ad and the creative people who produced it.


The proposed consumer privacy bill focuses on behavioral advertising – how consumers are targeted. The proposed expansion of FTC enforcement powers focuses on the advertising messages themselves. The combination of the two proposed laws will have a significant impact on webmasters seeking compliance with regulations on online advertising.

On January 20, 2010, the Direct Marketing Association joined twenty eight other trade and business associations in sending a letter to members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation. The letter opposed the current proposed expansion of the FTC’s powers on the grounds that the FTC could act as an “unelected legislature” across the economy. This would be “like putting the FTC on steroids”, according to a former FTC chairman.

Leading Internet, IP and software lawyer Chip Cooper has automated the process of drafting website legal forms for website legal compliance. Use his free online tool – Website Documents Determinator — to determine which documents your website really needs for website legal compliance. Discover how quick, easy, and cost-effective it is to draft your website legal forms at

My New Top 10 Free Website Traffic Generation Methods – Part 1

03 2010 Wednesday


By Willie Crawford in Website Traffic

In 2008, I wrote an ebook that revealed my most effective methods of generating free website traffic. As online conditions and technologies change, I feel it’s now time to update that ebook.

However, instead of revealing my new top 10 free website traffic generation methods in ebook format, I’m going to do it in a 10-part article series.

While I do list these methods in order of my preference, it’s not necessarily by which ones produce the most traffic. Instead, I list them also considering which produce the highest quality traffic, and therefore adds the most to my bottom-line.

Let’s get started…

My number one favorite method of generating free website traffic is via an affiliate program. I like releasing simple, inexpensive products that pay as much as 100% commission on the front-end. Properly done, this can create thousands of affiliates all working frantically to send you highly-qualified BUYING traffic.

They find and send you traffic that you wouldn’t otherwise have, and you reward them for doing so.

If you’d like to see a live example of how I do this, visit: The product there is a $17 audio/ebook combination where I pay affiliates 100% commission. That ebook is called “The Secrets To Selling More Big Ticket Products” and is an MP3 and PDF transcript where I share exactly how I do that :-)

There are a number of keys to making this most effective, and I see many people who attempt this tactic missing some of the most important elements. Those keys are:

1) You want to make managing the whole system as easy as possible. If your system is too burdensome, you won’t use it for very long. I use the Rapid Action Profits system, developed by my friend Sid Hale, to manage this affiliate program. I use it because once I set up a site, RAP makes management practically hands-free. The script can be configured to pay any percentage commission that you desire on a front-end and/or back-end product.

The beauty of the system is that when a sale is made, the affiliate is paid instantly directly to their Paypal account, and the customer is redirected to a download page. At that point, my affiliate has sent me that prized traffic, but as importantly, is also building me a mailing list.

2) You need to also have a good back-end product in-place. I typically have a second product that I offer immediately after that first sale. You can offer affiliates any percentage commission on this sale, and I often don’t offer any since I’ve given them all of the money from the front-end sale.

The key though, is that if you do offer a back-end product (or one-time-offer) you will often get a major percentage of customer take it. So, if you don’t have that offer in place, you’re leaving behind much of your profits.

3) You need to have follow-up in place. It does little good to build that list if you don’t later follow-up with them. Another reason that I like using Rapid Action Profits is that it builds a database right within the software.

Since some web hosting companies limit the number of emails that you can send from their servers (at one time), RAP also offers the capability for automatically building your list on a third-party system (such as or

I have at least 30 sites built using RAP. Those are all traffic generation systems. Can you tell that I like RAP? You should check out RAP at

4) Here’s where a lot of people using this traffic generation method cut corners, and fail…

You need to give affiliates lots of great tools so that it’s really, REALLY easy for them to register as affiliates and then promote like crazy.

Many of your affiliates won’t feel comfortable creating tools on their own. So, if you don’t give them the tools, they’ll end up doing nothing. Tools should include:

  • Banners in a variety of sizes
  • Solo emails
  • Blog posts
  • Tweets
  • Classified ads (suitable for Google AdWords)

    The tools should have the affiliates’ links automatically inserted in the proper places – something RAP handles beautifully. If you force your affiliates to have to track down links, and then manually edit the tools you offer, many won’t bother.

    5) Here’s how you make your traffic generator go viral…

    Invite your customers to become affiliates after they purchase. I’ve seen many merchants put links to their affiliate program right on the sales page. I don’t like this technique since I feel that it can distract customers that your affiliates worked hard to send you. So, I don’t feel that it’s fair.

    Instead, I put links to sign-up for the affiliate program on my product download pages, AND often in the products themselves. Simply explain to customers that they can register, promote the product, and earn instant commissions. This is very effective, especially when you have all of those great affiliate tools in place.

    It’s also very effective because the INSTANT commissions helps those who need the cash now!

    Ok, I’ve just shared with you my very favorite method for generating free website traffic. I basically get others to send me the traffic, and then I have tools in place to leverage that traffic.

    Stay tuned for part 2…

    Willie Crawford has been marketing goods and services over the internet since 1996, and teaches many of his tactics in his free ezine. Be sure to not miss the rest of this series by subscribing at

    Seven Inexpensive Ways to Generate Traffic to Make Money Online

    03 2010 Tuesday


    By Jay Allyson in Website Traffic

    There are multiple ways to get traffic to your website for very little cost that can make you money online.

    If you just got a small proportion of those visitors to convert to leads or sales, that has cost you nothing but your time.

    There are two hard facts of any internet business that you cannot escape.

    To make money online, you need to generate traffic to your website and second, you need to convert that traffic into buyers.

    You might try to do this directly by sending them to a sales page or you may do it indirectly by sending them to an opt-in page to capture their details or to your information site or blog.

    First, you should focus on identifying your killer keywords – the ones that attract the right kind of people into you business.

    With a good match between what people are searching for and what you are offering, the actual traffic you generate will be more highly targeted and predisposed to your offer and so more likely to convert into buyers.

    If no one goes to your site, it hardly bares a chance of generating an income.

    BUT, it doesn’t take thousands to generate website traffic to your site.

    While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, the holy grail is knowing how to generate low cost website traffic without having to run up a huge daily advertising bill.

    Here I present to you my top 7 strategies to generate low cost website traffic that could help make money online for you.

    1. Link exchanges

    This is a well known and proven strategy. It’s rare these days to see a website without a link to another site.

    Many business owners are willing to exchange links with one another so that they could produce more visibility for their sites.

    The more you create back links to your website from other pages, the more the traffic you’ll see coming as you’ll start to rank higher.

    If you’re exchanging links with other sites, it’s important that the link is relevant. This usually means it is in the same niche or a relate niche as your own site.

    This strategy pleases humans as much as it keeps the search engines happy.

    Exchanging links with authority sites or sites with high page ranks will also increase your traffic even more significantly, as it will boost your rankings in search engine listings.

    This is known as SEO or Search Engine Optimisation.

    2. Article Marketing

    There are many electronic magazines (called ezines) and online newsletters around on the internet which provide free space for you to submit articles.

    If you want to keep your costs low, you can write the articles yourself. But you can save time, by using the many freelance writers who are willing to create articles on your best converting keywords or keyword phrases. The fees are much smaller than you might think.

    Write articles that complement your website, product, business or other offer. Write on topics that you have expertise on so you develop your knowledge researching around the subject and can come across as an authority.

    Write articles that produce tips and guidance on the subject or your niche. Looking at existing content on your chosen niche will help you find gaps so less competition and your article will rank more highly for those keywords.

    At the end of the article submission process, you can insert a “resource box”. It’s here that can say something about yourself or your business and provide your visitors with a link to your site if they want to find out more.

    If they do go there, they are already impressed and predisposed to your offer, wouldn’t you say?

    Once you have your article accepted in your primary article directory, you can also send variations to other article directories.

    There is a lot of free article submission software available to automate the process and if you are doing a lot of article marketing, a great paid service I personally use is SubmitYourArticles.

    3. Video marketing

    Video marketing can send literally thousands Of visitors to your primary business. It really is the social medium of the moment. Just look at the popularity of YouTube! 5-10 minutes is all you need to get your point across.

    You can either use a camcorder to video your own talking head or create a footage around your product or offer and add the audio later.

    If you’re not yet confident on camera, you can also create a series of photos and powerpoint slides and record an audio commentary around that.

    Don’t forget to add your website URL as a running title along the top.

    Once you have a few videos made, you then need to drive traffic to them. The best way is to submit them to video sites. The most popular are, and

    To really maximise exposure and get the most traffic back to you website, you can use video submission tools. There’s a free video submission service, TubeMogul. An even better tool is a paid service I use is Traffic Geyser.

    Once you’re registered on the main video sites, this submitter tool will automatically submit your video to a whole host of video sites for you, resulting in tonnes of free traffic to your website.

    4. Forum marketing

    This is completely free – it only requires an input of your time. Do some initial sculking around to identify the kinds of problems people have in this niche.

    Once you feel you understand the community, you can start to feedback a comment, start a post, here and there, using your knowledge and expertise.

    You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

    With every post, you can add a link to your site. But remember first to give value, not just blatantly advertise your site.

    As you build your reputation, you also build the reputation of your site that could be frequented and trusted by many people.

    5. Twitter marketing

    Twitter and blogging go hand in hand. They help you build your authority and social networks within your niche.

    Twitter has totally transformed the way that people communicate online and since it’s free, it really should be an indispensable part of your overall marketing strategy and link to your blog.

    Twitter is free to join and you can get set up with an account in a matter of just a few minutes.

    Twitter has proven itself to be incredibly addictive and, for business owners, very valuable too.

    Technology such as Twitter has the potential to give us more than just an opportunity to tell others what happened in our day. We can use it to reach more people in a meaningful way.

    Imagine if you had cost-efficient and fast marketing tools that met existing customers where they are and that also helped you acquire new customers.

    Imagine if you had the power to build a network of like-minded peers, a community of shared ideas and creativity.

    6. Blog marketing

    You blog should therefore be one of the main hubs for your business. It’s all about YOU Inc.

    As your name gets passed around, you can widen your public awareness and build an opt-in list and RSS subscribe feed for people who regularly visit your site.

    People buy from people they know, like and trust. A blog is like dating – you wouldn’t propose on the first date so why shove your sales pitch down a new visitors throat.

    You can point your articles, videos, forum posts and social media activities all through your blog.

    This may sound like hard work because of all the articles you may need to use to build a blog but on the contrary, this is not so. There are many many sources of ideas and inspiration for your blog, which come from your day to day activities and your own personal development.

    7. Facebook marketing

    Social networking has always been a main part of many internet marketers strategy. But most don’t use it effectively at all. They flood the likes of Facebook and Myspace with offers and promotions. This won’t work.

    If you want to use social tools like Facebook to generate traffic to your website, you first have to identify the right groups and then invest something of yourself.

    You need to be prepared to make a personal connection with other folks in the community. This kind of media thrives on authentic networking.

    Posting up useful content on social networks will get you some awesome rankings on Google. The search engines seem to put a premium on sites like Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Squidoo and Hubpages.

    In all these free or low cost traffic generation methods, it’s all about giving value to your niche community.

    Leads generated in this way will be far more valuable as leads back to you – interested, highly targeted, committed and profitable.

    Jay Allyson Get Rich Lifestyle Pro Marketing Consultant

    3 Help Guides to Increase Your Website’s Conversion

    02 2010 Wednesday


    By Pamelina Siow in Website Traffic

    As part of my search engine optimization service, I evaluate client’s web design and web contents. I do this right after I finish checking their market demands. When they do not have a website, I create one for them. For me this is much easier than redesigning an incorrectly designed website.

    Why A Website That Converts Traffic is a Good Website:

    The first benefit is you will get more calls and inquiries. When your website builds a bond with your prospects, they are definitely going to contact you to inquire further. There is a reason why they are on your website, to seek your service or product. This means more prospects which could mean increased sales!

    The second benefit is that you get to capture their contact information, even if they are only on the finding information stage. Through continued contact, you can be their selected vendor when they are ready.

    What Happens When Your Website Converts Traffic Into Prospects?

    I’ve had clients who expressed interest in what the internet ccould do for their business. when I explained the many opportunities that could open up for them when they went online, they were astounded. And now, they are testimonials to how powerful the internet can be, if done properly.

    One client receives up to 40 new inquiries per month. Now, they do not have to worry about getting new clients as their phone and emails are ringing off the phone.

    My business partner has expanded her music school twice in 6 months and has to hire 2 staff to handle the calls. In addition, they have increased the prices of the music lessons as they want to attract premium clients who pay well for her excellent services. She enjoys predictable demand and can plan expansion accordingly.

    When your website moves from an online brochure to lead generating tool, you can free up more time to grow your business, service your clients well and even select well-paying and kind clients to work with.

    So How To Increase Website Conversion?

    Tip 1) Segment your target audience.

    Determine who your target audiences are and build a page for them with layouts and contents that would make them feel special. Many companies create their website from their services and products, however seriously, no one is really interested in what you sell. They are interested in how you can help them. By personalizing their page, you can speak to them and build a connection in order to get them to contact you.

    Tip 2) Reduce the choices

    People do not like to make choices. When given too many choices, they do not make a choice. In addition, it is ideal to assume that people who land on your website are easily confused. In fact, the truth is that your website layout might feel idiot-proof because the ideas spring from your head, however people completely new to your business might not feel the same.

    Solution: De-clutter the website. Think through of a process of how you want your prospects to navigate through your website. Home ‘> Find Their Profile ‘> Contact You. And create the flow as simple as possible and reduce the options.

    Tip 3) Provide an irresistible call for action

    Anyone that lands on your website is important. And it is your goal to capture them! Critical, necessary and you must do everything to get them to contact or leave their contact details for you.

    Tell them the next step. Ask them to sign up for a free report. Ask them to give you a call. Add you on facebook. Read your blog. You must tell them what you want them to do next. Always communicate with your contacts. Then you can build a database of prospective clients who are only a call away from buying your products.

    You will learn insider secrets and free resources designed to help you make MORE money than ever before! If you are looking to make 2010 the year of success, register for your FREE tips at . Pamelina Siow is an expert on generating leads through the internet. To keep in contact, read Pamelina Siow blog.

    Free Traffic for Your Website or Blog

    02 2010 Friday


    By Kathy Dobson in Website Traffic

    The homework is done, your blog or website is live. You’ve chosen a hot niche/topic, ordered an awesome banner/header and chosen a theme if required…you’ve worked hard.

    You add valuable content, affiliate links to high converting products, your own product links…but there is a problem. You have no traffic. Without traffic, there is no one to appreciate your hard work and awesome content.

    Without traffic, you are a nobody in the cyber world. Traffic is what gets the search engine Gods to notice you. There is no one to click your affiliate links without traffic.

    But, it can get expensive driving traffic to your site if you use some of the paid methods such as PPC.

    There are however some very valid traffic producing methods that you can employ for free.

    Let’s examine a few:

    1) Forum Marketing: The worst think you can do is show up on forums and start dropping one liners with your “signature” and a link back to you blog. This is considered spam and the only thing it will do for you is to get you banned. But, forums are an excellent place to get noticed with when you add great valuable content.

    Obviously you want to choose forums that focus on your particular topic or niche. Forums are a condensed concentration of the people that are interested in your niche…all located in one spot. Make sure with each post, you leave your signature with a link to your product, website and or blog.

    If you establish yourself as a valued contributor then you will eventually be perceived as an expert and people will navigate to your blog or website to find out more.

    2) Article marketing: There is a hungry audience waiting for excellent articles to use on their own websites or blog and article directories is where they go looking. With articles, you don’t want to fill the article with your links but use the author resource/bio box provided to leave your signature and links.

    You can employ the use of article directories to get your article listed in hundreds of article directories. Additionally, many directories also submit to newsletter publishers.

    It’s always a good idea to track your articles by using Google Alerts. If someone is routinely publishing your material, you may want to contact them and offer to submit your articles directly to them whenever you write a new one.

    3) Sign up on sites like MyBlogLog and use their widget on your site. You can befriend other bloggers and build your own community of followers with MyBlogLog…a social community that you can tap into and get a consistent flow of traffic.

    4) If you have an opt in form on your site, make sure to send an email out every time you create a new post. These people have already shown an interest by signing up to your blog…keep them informed and coming back.

    5) Let’s not forget the basics…blog posting. You need to stay on top of your website or blog and keep it fresh with new content including using your keywords for SEO purposes. Ideally, your keywords should be in the title, the first paragraph and the last paragraph. But, only if it makes sense to do so.

    6) Yahoo answers is an excellent way to get traffic and show off your expert knowledge. Look for questions in your area of expertise and provide valuable answers. It’s important that you add your link for reference.

    7) Getting free traffic can be as easy as guest blogging on some high-ranking blogs but only if you can write intelligent, interesting, value filled posts that will benefit them. Your link will then be added to your post and can bring lots of free traffic your way.

    8) Twitter: Let’s not forget Twitter. Twitter is here to stay and has become an invaluable source of free traffic, so if you haven’t already, it’s time you took a hard look at it. In fact, every time you submit an article to Ezine the reader can tweet the title and link to it.

    Once again, don’t go on Twitter and start spamming with links, links, links. That is what you will become known for. Instead, build up a stream of targeted followers by providing interesting tweets.

    9) Build a Squidoo Lense: Squidoo pages are the perfect avenue to get 1-way links to your blog. You can get direct traffic to your Squidoo lense if you use your long-tail keywords. Google loves Squidoo pages and using this method will often get you ranked in the top ten.

    10) Video: Create and distribute a video that includes a link back to your blog or website. Videos have taken over the Internet as most people would rather watch a video than read a screen. People love them.

    This by no means a comprehensive list as there are many more ways to drive free traffic. But, these are some of the most important ones and will get you started.

    Don’t be discouraged easily. It takes time for people to discover your new blog or website. You must be patient and consistently work towards your goal and if you do, I promise that you will reap the benefits.

    Combine persistent and consistent action with patience and before you know it you will have your own thriving list of subscribers hungry to learn from you.

    Kathy Dobson is a free spirited business owner and entrepreneur dedicated to helping others achieve financial and personal freedom through Internet marketing with an emphasis on membership sites.
    Learn more about membership sites please visit: For further tips and resources visit:

    Top 5 Steps to Website Marketing

    01 2010 Wednesday


    By James Trent in Website Traffic

    Why market your site

    This is an era of products galore. Each product and producer is trying to outdo the other. Marketing costs are turning out to be more than production costs as marketing has an ability to take products and services to a new high, or bite the dust. Without marketing, a product is as good as non-existing. At the same time, clients and consumers do not have enough time to go around looking for everything that is offered. Clients want it all on their fingertips. Keeping this in mind, internet or online marketing has quickly come to the rescue. It bridges the gap between your service or product and client or consumer.

    Having your own website has become an important marketing tool. Almost all products and services have their own presence on the internet in the form of a website. However, there are numerous websites trying to affect the decisions of clients. So, website marketing has become an important and integral part of every business’s marketing strategy. Let’s understand the five most important steps to website marketing.

    Understand client requirements

    Understanding what your clients are looking for is the key to effective website marketing. Amidst a plethora of websites on the same subject, a client will most likely stick to the sites that are focused on her unique requirements and give her exactly what she’s looking for; e.g. if a client is looking for a website on alternative medicine; the website must focus solely on the various alternative medicines and not generalize on all types.

    Get the right design and content

    The rightly designed website will catch and hold more eyeballs. Your design should not only have right aesthetic appeal but also facilitate easy navigation. To many flashes, to bright colors running at the same time, plus disturbing pop-ups are sure fire turn offs. Clusters of information placed on the homepage may dumbfound the visitor. At the same time, too little info will dampen her. Your site should strike the right balance of information and placement.

    Once you’re done with the designing part of your website, comes another important part, content. Your content should always be current, crisp and clear. It should convey exact information without being verbose. It should be logical, smooth, and flowing. The language should be set keeping the client in mind. The quality of your content should reflect a professional attitude.

    Make it user friendly

    Once on your website, the client should get important information like variety of products, possibly with their images, price ranges and product availability. Your website should facilitate ordering products online with great ease. It should also give requisite information like contact numbers of the home office or representatives, firm’s location, previous track record and after the sale service.

    As customer choices and preferences are always distinct and all of them cannot be addressed on the site; provide for direct contact with your customer service department in order to answer their queries. In case of an email, a prompt reply must be assured.

    Blow your trumpet

    Once you are done with your website, it is high time to get on the rooftop and tell people that you’ve arrived! What’s the use of a wonderfully designed, beautiful looking site that few know about or catches hardly any eyeballs? Avail other mediums of advertising viz. seminars, articles, television, newspapers,ect… to widen your client base and reach every possible client. Get press releases distributed. A good advertising campaign is essential to attract initial traffic to your site.

    Utilize the internet to its fullest. Begin blogging about your site and products/services. Forward links to as many other websites as possible. Get links on social networking websites. In simple terms, talk, talk and talk more about your site.

    Action backup

    The types of services and products that you offer on your website must be put into action by an efficient team. Your client must feel she is getting a good value for her money, and also her time spent. This will assist to establish a reputation for your business and create your brand image. Website marketing will only be effective if and when your promises are fulfilled in reality.

    And yes! Do not rest on your laurels. Continue updating your website with any new developments and also, continue to support it with on going action.

    Before you begin your first steps in website marketing and dive head first into a nightmare of potential failure, you might want to look into what it’s actually going to take to be successful in marketing your own website. Visit James Trent’s website now and learn the key steps to unlimited success.

    Will My Traffic Business Increase Through Viral Marketing?

    12 2009 Tuesday


    By Richard Legg in Website Traffic

    If you ask the question of how to get more website traffic, you’ll often get this response – ‘go viral’.

    Sounds great, but do you know what the term actually involves? How does it work, and is it effective?

    That’s three solid questions that need answering, so let’s get started…

    A virus, in medical terms, is something that is able to self-replicate and duplicate it’s genetic code to grow and spread. Once it does this, it becomes incredibly difficult to stop. Hence the term in the marketing world ‘viral marketing’. Offline businesses have used the concepts behind viral marketing, even before the internet was around.

    Here’s the basis of how it works … you give something of value to other people for free. Whatever it is you give away has links to your website, or needs people to use your product. Through the giveaway people enjoy the product and are encouraged to pass it on to more people that they may know.

    The chain of people passing it on self perpetuates, all the time with your website being a core element of the giveaway. It means your marketing message or website can be seen by a number of people that you cannot predict, and cannot control.

    An effective viral marketing campaign will bring a huge amount of visitors back to your product or website, which is virtually impossible to stop!

    So this all sounds good, but can it really be effective?

    The simple answer is that yes it can (and does) work, and work very well – for some companies, viral traffic is the main source of traffic to their business websites.

    You may choose to give away a product, a report maybe on the subject matter of your market. You may choose to give away a service, maybe providing a neat twist to a software application. You may choose to use a video, and this can really be exciting.

    On the biggest and most well known video sharing site, YouTube, they give you magical help to make your video go viral. Their videos are easily shared to other users either online or through email.

    You could make a short video about your subject, or even screen shots, and once you’ve uploaded it to You Tube, people have the chance to make comments on it. If you can start an argument, you’ll have people falling over themselves to watch your video!

    The video is free and easy to put on other websites, which all encourages people to share the videos in anyway that they can.

    After watching the video, the user is also presented with a simple button that they can click to instantly share the video with as many of their friends as they want.

    This is almost too good to be true, but it is all there, and crushingly simple, quick and free to do, it just takes some of your time. Let’s not make any false claims, the first few times you do it, you’ll make mistakes and take a bit longer to produce your video, but once you get the technique sorted, you can use video to go viral, and get a huge amount more website traffic.

    Richard Legg – Discover more info on how you can make money online with the my traffic business bonus site here:

    List Building – 5 Steps To Generate Viral Traffic To Your Website

    10 2009 Tuesday


    By admin in Website Traffic

    If you can create viral traffic then you’ve won the battle for traffic generation. Driving traffic is a continuous task, so viral traffic which grows on its own is a dream for all online business owners. But not many online business owners know or even try to implement it. Here are 5 steps to creating viral traffic so that your traffic building efforts produces the most amount of visitors and subscribers.

    1. Create A Squeeze Page

    Get a landing page which does nothing but offer some free gifts in exchange for the visitor’s email. This is where you start to build your list.

    Hire a good graphics designer and come up with attractive gifts such as valuable reports and/or free software.

    2. Create A Report To Sell

    Your next task is to create a report which you’re going to sell. Again, make sure the graphics are eye-catching and pay a good graphics designer to create your website.

    Your report has to look fantastic and the information needs to be good. Do the required research and put as much information as possible into this report.

    With your website, sell the report for $97. This is a steep price for a report but your objective is not to sell many copies of it. Do the necessary promotion and get the word out about your report. And don’t forget to put links in the report to your website.

    3. Free Gift

    When people sign up to your list via your squeeze page, send them to a page where you will offer your $97 report as a gift. To claim the gift, the subscriber needs to refer at least 3 of their friends to your squeeze page.

    Now when your subscribers see that your gift is worth $97 and that you are currently selling it for that price, it will drive conversions through the roof.

    No one can resist a true free gift that is currently selling for $97. This can help you generate viral traffic. Your subscribers’ friends might sign up to your list and repeat the whole process by referring their friends to your squeeze page.

    4. Email To List

    Now while your squeeze page is building your list virally, you can create a report and continue to send it to your list for free. Of course, they would have to refer 3 or more of their friends to download the free gift.

    Using this technique you are training your list to refer their friends in order to get your free reports. You are also testing to see which kind of offers create the best responses.

    5. Contest

    When you know which type of offers send you the most amount of referrals, you can create a contest and announce it to your list.

    For the contest you will need to provide something which is perceived to be a high priced item otherwise it won’t work. The best type of offers are video training with personal coaching from you based on the offer with the most responses.

    Offer your prize to 3 winners only. Since you are offering personal coaching and video training, you can set a high price for the prize. Pricing it at $1,000 is not unreasonable.

    To win the contest, your list needs to send you traffic to your squeeze page. The top 3 who sends the most subscribers will win the $1000 prize. This is very attractive.

    Once they spread the news by telling people about your contest, more and more people will join your list and promote the contest. This is the viral effect you’re looking for. You can even issue a press release to inform more people about your contest.

    Carrying out these 5 steps will ensure unstoppable viral traffic to your website. It needs planning and setting up the system for it to work and creation of the reports, but you are sure to get an avalanche of traffic. Using this viral traffic to get people subscribed to your list, you can promote your information products to them and push those sales figures through the roof.

    For more tips on how to promote your online business and increase sales, visit information product creation. To hire professionals to create your own best selling information products, visit – Alan Cheng, Elite Ghostwriters.

    How Much for Free Advertising to Get Free Traffic?

    09 2009 Monday


    By Peter Nisbet in Website Traffic

    How much are you willing to pay for advertising? What would it be worth to you to get advertising open to billions of people worldwide? Let’s cut out the sales pitch because you know all about that. Do you know how to get free advertising online? In fact, do you know how to get the right kind of advertising offline – and free of charge?

    Probably not, but I do. So the question now is how much are you prepared to pay me to find out? When I look at the keyword analysis of people seeking free advertising, there are from 10,000 – 50,000 searches on Google looking for information on how to get free advertising every month. That’s right – up to 50,000 every month. In fact 250,000 every month are looking for ‘free advertising’ without any qualification.

    Guess what! The answer is right at your fingertips. No matter what you want to advertise, and no matter how difficult you have found to advertise your product or service in the past, it is easy to advertise online what you have to offer without paying a single cent for the advert.

    So what’s the secret? There is no secret. I have been advertising it for free for many years, yet even I have been making the mistake that 99.99% (a guestimate!) of those that advertise their products make. That mistake is to assume that the people that matter will see your advert. Note the ‘that matter’ part.

    Do you like cats? There’s no point in you trying to sell cat baskets to internet marketing gurus or young girls looking for how to choose the best cat for them. The latter example is easier to sell your cat baskets to than the former, but it’s only a matter of degree. You still have to persuade them they need a cat basket. You can sell bait to an angler, but you still have to persuade them they need YOUR bait, or the kind of bait you are selling.

    The best way of using free advertising is to use it sell something that has already been sold. At least, the idea has been sold, and all the prospective buyer needs is a nudge. To do that you have to be like that prospective buyer – I don’t like the word ‘prospect’ – it sounds too commercial! My future customers know what they need; they just don’t realize it yet. So what’s the secret?

    Don’t click away when I tell you, because many might just do that. Like many online secrets, it is no secret all. It is by using a technique that you all have likely heard about (although that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work), just that you have been taught badly.

    I don’t work full time at internet marketing. I am an industrial chemist and part of my job is to train people how to manufacture our product (hot stamping foil – look it up!).

    I do that pretty well because I can put myself in their place. I had to learn sometime, and they don’t teach my product in college. I learned from my first manager, and like to think that I can pass my knowledge on to others fairly easily. Learning how to make money online is a bit like that, and so is learning how to advertise for free. Free advertising is a skill, and it is easy to get.

    Here are some ways:

    1. Use posters. If you market health products, whether your product is a health food , supplement, equipment or an eBook or video, then ask your local health center of you can put up a poster. Offer to pay if you get a sale (so it still free until then) if necessary. Ask if you can leave leaflets in the rest rooms, or even make reduced price offers for anybody that joins the club through your affiliate site. There’s an idea: Offer to promote the health club for a percentage, and offer your product free if they take it up.
    2. Ask your local authority if they have any sites where you can put up a poster advertising your product, and you will also include the local authority services in the same ad.
    3. Ask local radio for a free slot: perhaps you can advertise their services on your website in return
    4. Write articles.

    So there you are: four great ways that you can use to get free advertising.

    What’s that last one? Write articles?

    Sure – that will likely bring you the best return because you can write and publish articles all over the internet advertising your product or service. Look back to the start of this article. How much are you willing to pay for advertising?

    It doesn’t matter what your answer is. Articles are free for you to write if you know how. The problem is the ‘knowing how’. Then learning how to do it. If you learn how to write articles properly, and not just go through the motions, as the vast majority appears to do, then you are on to a winner.


    Get to know how to do article writing and you cant fail. Do it right and you will make money and everybody will read them. they will believe what you have wrote and you will make money.

    WHAT? Let’s start again:

    Learn how to write articles articulately and comprehensibly and your erudite readers will gain the knowledge that you are so knowledgeable and cognizant of their needs that. . .

    WHAT? Let’s start again – as an article should be written this time:

    Learn how to write articles so as to provide information your reader wants and needs, and that reader will return to you repeatedly. Not only that, but if you show that you understand your niche, then they will also buy from you when you feel the time is right to offer your product.

    Write to the reader personally, as if they were the only person you were addressing.

    Article marketing is a term that is frequently misused, but the good thing is that it is not difficult to learn, and once you have mastered the principles with a bit of help, you will be able to generate as much free advertising as you want for the rest of your life – irrespective of how your business and products change.

    If you are interested in learning how to get free advertising by writing your own articles in a way that they will be read by others, then visit Article Czar for a free writing course, and information how you can learn to write in a way that generates masses of free traffic to your websites.

    Are Your Clients Looking for You!

    08 2009 Monday


    By Anton Pearce in Website Traffic

    Wake Up – Your Clients Are Looking for You!

    If you’re going to use the power of the Internet to try to find clients, you have to first understand how prospective clients are going to find you. You need to drop your preconceived notions about how you see your business, and start thinking about how potential clients are going to see your business. To do that, you need to try to put yourself in their shoes.

    Understanding Web Searches

    Let’s suppose, for example, your business is centered around providing consulting to customers who need help with back pain in New York. When you sit down to start designing your web strategy, you might hire a copywriter to create content with the keywords, “back pain consultant,” or “pain coaching.” However, those terms won’t likely bring you much in the way of good, solid traffic from potential clients.

    In fact, the only people who are likely to search for “back pain consultant” are people like you whose business is helping people with back pain. People trying to solve a problem don’t typically search for things like “coaching” or “consulting.”

    Instead, you need to consider how exactly those prospective customers are going to search. They might search for the rather generic phrase, “back pain,” or they might be a little more specific and search for something along the lines of “back pain help” or “treatment for back pain.” Other potential clients will use more of a question-based approach, such as searching for “how can I reduce back pain?” In the case of many niches, such as our back pain example, it’s likely that potential clients will also use a geographic or regional term. Most assume that they need to see someone in person for treatment. So “back pain help new York” might be a common search phrase.

    From Information to Solutions

    Something else you need to think about in terms of how potential clients are going to find you on the web, is what stage of searching the potential client is at. Understanding whether or not the potential client is ready to buy is key to your marketing strategy.

    There are several stages a person goes through before they’re ready to buy:


    This is the earliest point at which a potential client can identify a felt need. It might be back pain, for example. It could be a desire to make money from the comfort of your home. It might be that the person wants to learn a new skill, take up a new hobby, or just improve their overall well-being. At this stage, the person isn’t usually ready to buy. They’re still feeling their way through the problem, and putting words to it.

    Web searches at the identification stage tend to be information-based. The objective isn’t to solve a problem, it’s to understand the problem. At this stage, a person might search for “types of back pain” or “back pain symptoms,” but they aren’t as likely to search for “back pain help.”

    Clients at this stage are the least likely to buy. However, if you can hook a potential client at this stage, you may get her to come back later on when she is ready to buy. Some remain in this stage; once they learn about the topic they want to learn about, they simply leave it alone forever. They decide that it’s not a problem they want or need to invest any more time and energy trying to solve.


    Once a person has identified a need or a problem, they usually set out to learn about it in-depth. They start seeking the advice of experts. This is a transitional stage, where it is more likely that they’ll buy than at the identification stage, but where most people don’t rush into anything. At this stage, web searches tend to be information-based again. However, these searches tend to focus on the other end of the need or problem: how to fix it. So here a person might search for “back pain solutions” or “back pain treatment options.” This is where real value-added content comes in handy on your website.

    Being able to provide usable and reliable information helps to position you as an authority in your niche. Once the customer is ready to buy, they’ll remember your expertise and come back to you.


    At this point, the potential client is ready to buy. They understand the problem or need, know what can be done about it, and are ready to pay someone to get their solution. These are your best prospects, and the easiest people to convert into a sale. People who are ready to buy can get very specific in their search terms. They might search “back pain treatment in New York” or even “back pain physiotherapist.” Their search terms indicate that they don’t just want to know about a problem or a need, but that they’re ready to fix it.

    Many potential clients don’t search the web at this stage, however. During the first two stages of their web search process, they have probably identified a reliable source of information. At that point, they’re more likely to go back to that reliable source than they are to search randomly for someone else. If that authoritative source doesn’t offer a direct solution, that’s when the potential client will start their search.

    Marketing Across the Stages

    Effective marketing for your coaching business will at least touch on each of these stages. While the details and specific tactics may vary from one niche to another, most coaches will want to spend their time in the second stage. By providing useful information to potential clients, you build your image as an authority in your field. Not everyone will seek your services, however most will. By adding real value, you create a positive experience for the client and engender a certain degree of trust. When the time comes for a solution, they’re going to come to you rather than randomly searching on Google (or flipping through the Yellow Pages, for that matter).

    If you’re struggling to implement a simple, effective internet marketing strategy then Anton Pearce can help. With over 10 years of experience helping professionals to build their online business Anton can show you the changes you need to make to get more leads, more clients and more sales from your website. Visit for more free and paid resources to power-up your marketing.

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