Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Seven Things You Never Want To Say To A Potential Customer

05 2010 Tuesday


By Nick James in Business

Unless your goal is to scare potential customers away, never say these seven things to them.

1. Never say to a potential customer: We don’t accept credit cards – Your customers expect you to accept credit cards – when you tell them you can’t – you immediately disappoint them and give them a big reason not do business with you!

These days, most businesses do qualify for a merchant account from their bank or at the very least qualify to open a WorldPay account. (We’ll cover that in another article.)

Bottom line – you are not really in business unless you can accept credit card payments.

2. Never say to a potential customer: Please allow 28 days for delivery- When your customers are ready to buy, they usually want the product immediately.

If you tell potential customers they have to wait 28 days before they can get the product, most will go somewhere else to buy. Even if customers have to wait just a few days, or in some cases, a few hours (i.e. to access to a subscription web site or download an eBook/Software item), they will often go away without placing the order.

Bottom Line: To avoid losing customers, make sure your products are available for immediate shipment. Be sure to offer next day shipping when possible. And never offer products that require customers to wait 28 days for delivery.

3. Never say to a potential customer: No questions allowed! – Often customers will want to speak to you before placing an order. But if you don’t include a phone number in your ad or on your website, it is like saying ‘no you can’t call us and ask questions!’

Not having a phone number where customers can reach you before the sale often discourages the sale itself.

Bottom Line: Always include a phone number in all your ads, web site, press releases, and sales letters.

4. Never say to a potential customer: We aren’t interested in your call – Incoming calls to your business should always be answered – either by a live person, or by a professional voice mail system.

Never let phone calls go answered. Doing so immediately causes doubt in the customer’s mind. They begin to wonder, “Is this a real business? No one seems to ever answer the phone. Maybe I should place my order with another company.”

In my office I have a voice mail system to answer all incoming calls that Nadine and I can’t personally answer. When we are out of the office during business hours, we forward our office phones to our mobile phones. This allows us to take business calls whenever they come in, wherever we may be.

The same is true with fax calls. Potential customers expect you to have a fax machine – all real businesses do. If a potential customer wants to fax you a question, a sales order, or anything else, you want to be able to receive the fax.

Bottom Line: Make sure your business phones are answered. During business hours the phones should be answered by a real person, and a voice mail system after hours. If you can’t afford a voice mail system and stand-alone fax machine, then configure your computer to answer your phone and receive incoming faxes for you.

5. Never say to a potential customer: We don’t have a web site – these days, customers expect you to have a web site. And they expect to see information about your company, your location, the products you offer, support materials, and more at that web site.

If you don’t have a web site, your customers might find a competitor who does.

Bottom Line: Almost all businesses should have a web site. The website should have a professional design, be easy to use, and provide the kind of information potential customers will be looking for.

6. Never say to a potential customer: Sorry, I don’t have a business card – it continues to amaze me how often I am asked for a business card by potential customers who I come in contact with in non-business environments.

For example, recently whilst I was buying a new car, the salesman asked about the kind of business I ran, and after hearing the explanation he said, “I know someone looking for that kind of software. Give me your business card and I’ll pass it on to him.” And he did, and we got a call from someone who may turn into a customer.

Bottom Line: Make sure you have business cards with you wherever you go. You never know when you might find a new customer. (Make sure your business card has your name, your company name, your web site address, your email address, and a brief description of the kinds of products or services you offer).

7. Never say to a potential customer: Yes, our product can do everything you ever wanted. That can’t possible be true – no matter how great a product or service you have, it can’t do everything.

If a potential customer asks about features your product doesn’t have, be honest. Tell them that you haven’t included the feature, but it is a good suggestion and you’ll consider adding it (if that is possible).

Whatever you do, don’t mislead potential customers about what your product can and can’t do. Be honest about it – customers do appreciate honesty. You can avoid disappointing customers by being clear about what your product can or can’t do.

Bottom Line: Better to lose a sale than to create a disappointed or angry customer. If your customer is looking for a feature that you don’t include in your product, tell them so.

Nick James is a true example of a self made success. He offers the inside track in every aspect of internet business creation and development. Right now he’s giving away a Free Income Secrets DVD for only £1 S&H while stocks last! Free Nick James DVD

Niche Marketing – How to Target Your Marketing Efforts and Master Your Business Niche

05 2010 Wednesday


By Karel Murray in Business

If you want to make more money in today’s competitive environment, then you need to master your business niche. Let me show you a perfect, prime example of niche marketing at its best:

The AARP card appeared in the mail again. This time I actually opened the envelope and reviewed the material included with the invitation to join. Offers of insurance, magazines, on-line registrations and general information related to aging spilled out across the table. Everything in the packet maintained the specific intent of enticing a middle age person to join the group dedicated to senior citizens.

A scant five years ago, I wouldn’t have acknowledged the promotional material. It would have been swept into the nearest garbage can as I briefly wondered why this organization wasted its marketing dollars on me. Now, as I scan the introductory letter, the supporting messages delivered in the envelope are beginning to make sense. I’ve discovered that the magazine is dedicated to providing me with information on medical advancements for cholesterol control, suggestions to slim the middle age bulge and tips to improve my memory. That last one caught my attention.

Startled, I realized that I aged into the targeted demographic of The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and didn’t feel it coming on. When, for god’s sake, did I stop being 35? AARP knew it would happen and patiently primed the pump for several years as it waited for me to emotionally recognize that my body and brain would change. My perspective would alter and this organization graciously waited until it was needed.

Now, that’s niche marketing!

When is Niche Marketing Most Effective?

Niche marketing is most effective when you immerse yourself in a specific topic area and then start building your reputation for being a thought leader on that specific topic. It may sound intimidating, but in reality, all it demands is focus.

Nido Qubein, a recognized business strategist and forward thinker coined the term “Intentional Congruence”. He stresses that everything you do in your business must tie into everything else you do. It’s about having intent and purpose to intimately understand what you are doing and why.. Without understanding who you help and why you are doing what you do, how can you expect anyone else to know?

5 Elements to Identifying and Building Your Business Niche:

  1. Create an inventory of your strengths. Identify how you relate to people and get specific in your values. List what you already know and what you need to learn to position yourself as an expert in your field. Describe the specific abilities you possess that are unique to you. Determine where you stand in terms of current finances. And, estimate what financial requirements will be necessary to build your niche with your target market.
  2. Select the top two areas you have a passion for pursuing. Without passion or emotional engagement for the subject area, long-term success is unlikely. The ultimate goal is to do what you love, love what you do and make an acceptable living as you do it!
  3. Research the two niche areas you’ve identified. Determine: who are the top three businesses or individuals already doing what you want to do? Review their websites and gain a sense of how connected and informed your future competition is. Research the internet fully to gain a sense of topic areas, product offerings and customer/client “reach out” efforts. Identify what is already in place and focus on those areas you feel are underserved.
  4. Build a resource inventory. Contact business professionals as needed to build alliances. Create opportunities to interview people or hire whoever might be necessary to fine tune your business plan or fill in the gaps of knowledge on areas that are critical in establishing you as an expert. Offer your services to other business professionals as well. Just because you are new to a niche, doesn’t mean you are lacking expertise. They simply don’t know about you yet! Building relational capital with others who thrive in the market you wish to enter is always beneficial to everyone who participates.
  5. Put your stake in the ground and claim your position within your targeted niche. Here’s how…
    1. Start offering your knowledge to the masses by using social media liberally.
    2. Become a fan of expert pages and register to participate in other List Serves that focus on your area of expertise.
    3. Read and post to other expert blogs on your topic.
    4. Write articles focusing on your area of expertise and submit them for online publication. You can go to for 3 free article templates.
    5. Make every opportunity to interview other industry experts by teleseminar and provide those to your clients as additional resource material.
    6. Build an accessible on-line library that is exploding with information for your customers and clients.
    7. Create surveys for completion by your target market to gain knowledge through research and insight that is unique to you. Publish a white paper or report annually that includes this research.

Now, you have the keys to dominating your business niche. Nothing is holding you back from being the expert, knowing your target market and maintaining a gentle helping hand. You are in charge of designing and maintaining a world of comfort for your customers and customers. You can make their lives easy because they now have you – the expert to rely on.

Karel Murray is a Certified Speaking Professional, author of “Hitting Our Stride: Women, Work and What Matters” and business trainer who helps women entrepreneurs and executives improve their overall business effectiveness and productivity. Now, you can listen to her exciting, free interviews at Each podcast interview gives you 3 takeaway ideas or concepts that you’ll be able to implement right away

3 Main Benefits of Better Time Management for an Online Income Business

05 2010 Monday


By Michelle Jayes in Business

We have all heard at one time or another about the benefits that can be derived from better time management. This is a subject that is discussed by every self-help authority and successful entrepreneur, and it applies equally whether you are running an online business from home or if you own a bricks and mortar business.

The question is whether you have ever considered why you should spend any time on learning better time management skills and if it is worth your while to invest in them? The truth is that for anybody who has battled to manage their time better, it certainly is.

Here are three of the main benefits of having better time management skill:

1. Being in Control!

When you are able to manage your time more effectively, you have better control over your life. By planning your daily activities before-hand you will have more clarity and be more aware of what you will need to do, and in what order so that you can get it all done.

When you plan ahead of time and work out what time needs to be allocated to each task, you will immediately be relieving yourself of a lot of unnecessary pressure as you will understand what you need to do and you don’t have to waste time worrying and trying to remember each thing, all that has to be done is to work systematically through your list.

The advantage that you gain from this is that you will feel far more confident about completing your tasks and reaching the goals you have set.

2. Less Stress Means Greater Productivity?

When one works to a plan that is set out for the day, there is immediately a feeling of being less stressed as you know what is required and you have a plan to follow and this leads to being more productive, which in turn leads to a greater sense of job satisfaction. You are also able to enjoy what you do and will feel much happier.

Another benefit is that when you are more productive you achieve more in a shorter space of time and will end up with more free time on your hands. This is time that you can devote to your family, friends or just chill out and do something that your really enjoy.

3. Enjoying more Free Time;

When you learn to control the amount of time that you take on a daily basis to complete the tasks required for your online income business, you will have more free time to spend doing things that are important to you that are not connected directly to your business.

It is absolutely necessary to have some time to relax and get rid of excess stress because if you fail to do this chances are you will become less productive and the quality of your work will suffer. Even people who believe that they can perform better under pressure actually only produce good results if the stress is short lived.

A small amount of stress can force a person to focus and concentrate on a task and this can be a good thing, but too much stress will eventually affect their health and their work will deteriorate in quality. Being able to have some free time in which to relax and enjoy yourself is essential for your health and the success of your online business enterprise.

Time management is one skill that generally gets overlooked or put on to the back-burner to be learned at a later date. This is a mistake if you want to not only make a success of your online business but also if you want to be able to enjoy the results of having made a success of it. It is well worth your time to develop these skills for the benefits you will gain.

If you enjoyed this article by Michelle Jayes then visit her website for more great ideas and business opportunities and sign up for her free newsletter

How Choosing a Niche Can Improve Your Chances of Success with Your Online Business

05 2010 Wednesday


By admin in Business

If you are thinking about starting an online business the first step you should take is to find a niche product or service. A niche is a product or service that serves a highly targeted audience with specific needs. Why is this important? Because with all of the different businesses establishing a presence online it is important to choose something that caters to an underserved audience with a demand for a specific product or service.

Many people who are new to online business make the mistake of choosing a product or service that is currently considered “hot” without thinking about the high rate of competition and the fact that the market may already be saturated. In addition to that, you can end up paying a fortune in advertising with nothing to show for it in the end.

If you choose a niche that serves a highly targeted audience with specific needs you will stand a much better chance of succeeding with your online business. Here are a few tips on choosing a niche that will help to improve your chances of success.

What Are You Passionate About?

Sit down and make a list of things you are passionate and knowledgeable about. The list should include interests, hobbies, professional skills, and any other topics that you would be happy working with on a daily basis. At first, you may find this a challenge if you have been caught up in the 9 to 5 grind and forgotten what you are passionate about. Be patient and enlist the help of some friends if you wish.

It is important that you are passionate about what you do because this will show through when you build a client base. If you are enthusiastic about what you do this will reflect on others and they will return to do business with you time and again. Additionally, if you enjoy what you do it will never feel like work.

Research Your Market

Once you have decided on a topic the next step is to start researching the topic on the Internet. You can begin to find your audience and where your position will be in your market by participating in forums related to your topic, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and any other sites where you can find people discussing your topic.

As you visit these sites listen carefully and take some notes on what people are discussing. This will help you to discover exactly what they are looking for when it comes to your product or service. Listening to the needs of your audience will help you to determine a niche for your online business.

For example, if your topic of interest is landscaping it is important to find out what people are looking for with regard to landscaping. Landscaping is very broad topic with a lot of competition. What about landscaping? What are people specifically looking for? Are they looking for landscaping professionals? Are they looking for landscaping tools? Perhaps they are looking for tips on how to do landscaping.

The key here is to drill down into the term “landscaping” and find a specific niche related to this topic the serves a highly targeted audience with specific needs. Landscaping plans for small backyards would be an example of a niche that serves a specific audience.


Once you find your audience and what they are looking for the keywords you choose will help your targeted audience to find you online. Once you get to know your audience you can brainstorm keywords they might use to search for your product or service. You can use one of the many keyword tools that are available online for accomplishing this task.

Just like you had to drill down to find a niche you must find keywords that relate to the niche. Let’s go back to the landscaping example. If you simply choose the keyword “landscaping” you may get a lot of visitors to your website but they will be untargeted. If you are selling landscaping plans and they are looking for tools they will leave your site. If you choose the keywords “landscaping plans for small backyards” you know exactly what the people are searching for and it makes it easy to deliver the solution when they arrive at your website.

Take the time in the beginning to choose your niche and get to know your market and what they are looking for. The time you invest will help you to build a solid foundation for building a business that will last over the long term.

Kevin Traynor is an online business coach and mentor who is currently training people how to get started and be successful in their own online business. If you would like to learn more and also get a FREE “Truth Report” on how to get started online,it’s available at =>

How to Persuade Without Really Trying

05 2010 Monday


By Judy Murdoch in Business

businessRecently, the owner of a consulting practice contacted me. In the email, she said that she needed an easier, more predictable way to find ideal prospects.

She had already tried a lot of different things but nothing worked.

So we set up a meeting so I could learn more about her situation and whether I could help.

As we spoke during the meeting, it became clear to me that, yes, I could help this business owner. I felt quite certain of this.

But when it was my turn to tell her what I recommended things bogged down. It was very painful because I was doing my best to communicate “Yes, I can help you,” and the person looking for help kept asking, “But what exactly are you going to do?”

Increase Website Traffic With Direct Mail

04 2010 Monday


By Lad Scott in Business

Although it was a very long time ago, I remember clearly how concerned I was when the Internet really started to take off. All of my friends were convinced that my highly successful career path in the direct mail industry was sure to be a short one. In fact, I was pretty certain they were correct and started to wonder what my next good idea would be and how soon I could come up with it. But, today, my business is thriving and the past ten to fifteen years have been a wonderful ride. Thank you, the Internet.

How much time, energy and money have you spent on promoting your website(s)? I would bet a lot. How much frustration and disappointment have you felt about the return on your investment in time energy and dollars spent? Again, I would bet, a lot.

Once people get fixated on their website and the Internet, they tend to fall prey to the blinders syndrome. This meaning, they forget about the fact that their website is actually a product as much as it is a sales tool and like all of the most successful products, an integrated marketing approach is going to yield the best results. Yet, most individuals promoting websites stick to doing so by using the Internet to market their site. This is a tough way to compete with others promoting similar websites that offer similar products or services. Unless you have one heck of a unique product or service, it is awfully difficult and expensive to get onto page number one of a search. And, you can spend tremendous amounts of time and money trying before you figure this out.

So, the key to separating your site from the pack is to promote it differently than the pack. This means taking off the blinders and looking at the other resources available to you. In other words, more traditional forms of advertising. This could include classified ads, radio, television, magazine ads, billboards, flyers — anything but the Internet.

The one form of traditional advertising not noted above, and frankly the most effective, is direct mail marketing. Why, other than the fact that it is the industry I chose more than thirty years ago, would I make this bold statement? There are three good reasons. (1) it is highly targetable — less money spent on uninterested souls (2) it is highly measurable — you can determine which lists work and which do not and make adjustments and (3) it can be very, very cost effective if you work with a company that knows the industry inside and out, including creative, data processing, print production and postal regulations.

The kinds of companies that my company works with, for the most part, are large national mailers. All of them have a highly professional and effective website. None of them rely upon search engine optimization alone, or even primarily, to promote their sites. They use an integrated marketing approach to drive prospects to their sites.

Most individuals and small companies cannot afford to consider television, radio or magazine advertising. But, anyone who can spend the kind of money required to get anywhere close to page one in a search can afford a direct mail campaign. It may be something as simple as a four inch by six inch postcard (the maximum size to achieve the best postal rate for a postcard) with a stamp that you use to direct a highly targeted prospect to your website. I think you would likely agree, it is not your site you are struggling with, it is traffic to the site that is the big challenge.

So, in conclusion — take off those blinders and start to utilize the other tools that are available to you. Find a direct mail company that knows how to promote your website by using list companies, can write copy and knows about the USPS regulations. I can assure you, your traffic concerns will diminish radically.

Lad Scott is the founder of The Scott Group, Inc., a national award winning direct mail production company. For 30+ years, SGI has produced mailings for some of the nations largest mailers. To learn more about SGI and what their highly recognizable clients think about them, go to . Mr. Scott also wrote the definitive step by step, checklist based guide to doing flawless mailings. Go .

Reverse Marketing: How to Use Unbiased Reviews to Sell Your Product or Services

04 2010 Friday


By Duncan Wierman in Business

Reverse marketing has become the newest trend in marketing for people wanting to sell their goods and services to consumers. How well this marketing concept works depends entirely on what methods you use and how skillful you are at using the various reverse marketing tools available. One of the most overlooked tools in reverse marketing is the Unbiased review. When used correctly this tool can bring many clients to you who are interested in what you have to sell.

How the Unbiased Review Works

For example, say you sell digital cameras. What you will want to do is select three or four digital cameras in a price range including some you sell and some you do not carry. Do your research on each camera and then write an unbiased review of each product. Make sure to list the advantages and disadvantages of each camera including the brands you handle. Do not try and give your product a more biased view as the consumer will quickly catch on.

In your review you might even want to include references to other consumer’s reviews and what the customers had to say about each of these products. You can also include professional reviews from sites that test products.

Make the review as helpful as possible and give specific information that people looking to buy a digital camera will need to make an informed decision. Then at the end of your review tell a little about yourself and mention briefly your business and that you sell digital cameras including some and the main thing here is mention some of the cameras reviewed. By reviewing cameras your store does no carry as part of the review your review will be appealing to the consumer as they will feel you are really trying to provide helpful tips rather than sell them your product line. By writing an unbiased review this feeling will increase and the consumer will be impressed with your candor and your helpfulness. Those who feel that one of the cameras you sell is the right choice will come to you for their purchase simply because they will view you as knowledgeable, helpful, and honest.

Won’t readers of these reviews choose products other than mine?

Of course there is a chance that some consumers will find one of the products that you don’t carry more appealing but, this will happen less often than you might think since they will feel that they have a connection with you through the review and your candor has built up trust in their minds.

How to use the unbiased review if you can’t write one

Many companies don’t use the unbiased review simply because they don’t know how to write a product review. This should not stop you from using this reverse marketing tool. There are websites around that will write the review for you at more than reasonable costs and when you consider that using this tool could result in hundreds of dollars worth of sales.

The unbiased review is simply one of the many tools that you should have in your reverse marketing arsenal to help your business to grow in this depressed economy.

Duncan Wierman is an Ex Software company CEO turned Real Estate Investor and Marketer. Discover how to use creative online marketing methods to generate more business. Duncan is also offering readers a complimentary copy of his lead generation software at

Are You Incorporating Your Business in the Wrong State?

04 2010 Monday


By Karen Kobelski in Business

In the process of forming your small business, you will make both simple and complex decisions. But one important decision is often made by default because the business owner doesn’t realize there is a choice to be made.

The decision is where to incorporate your business—what state will form the regulatory hearth and home for your new entity.

Believe it or not, you are free to form your corporation in any of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.  And since each of these 51 locations has its own tax structure, start-up costs and regulations, defaulting to your own home state might not be in the best interest of your business or your bottom line.

For small businesses, three major factors should impact your choice for the state of your business incorporation formation.

  1. The cost of formation, especially if your company will need to qualify to transact business in the home state.
  2. Each state’s taxation and corporate law environment.
  3. Does the state of your choice openly welcome new business

State of Incorporation Factor #1: Formation costs and foreign qualification

Forming a corporation or LLC in the state where the business is physically located is called home state formation. Corporations and LLCs must pay filing fees to the state at the time of incorporation and are then subject to ongoing state requirements and fees.

If your company is formed in another state but transacts business primarily in the home state, it may need to “foreign qualify” in the home state.  To foreign qualify, the proper paperwork—called a certificate of authority— must be completed and additional state filing fees paid.

To learn whether your company may need to foreign qualify to transact business in another state, consult an attorney.

State of Incorporation Factor #2: How Corporations and LLC’s Are Taxed

Business owners should also understand how corporations and LLCs are taxed by each state under consideration, as well as the taxation requirements imposed by the home state on foreign-qualified corporations and LLCs.

For example, find out…

  1. If your chosen state impose an income tax on corporations and LLCs?
  2. Does the state impose a minimum tax or a franchise tax?

It is often beneficial to calculate your company’s projected revenue for its first years of existence and then evaluate the states in terms of the amount of taxes your company would be required to pay.

State of Incorporation Factor #3: How Friendly is the State to New Business Owners

Some states have a well-deserved reputation for being friendly to new businesses, while others have reputations—equally well-deserved—for being difficult.

Delaware and Wyoming top the list of friendlies, while New York and California bring up the rear.  Let’s compare them so you can see how different states react to new businesses.

Delaware and Wyoming

The cost to form a corporation or LLC in Delaware is among the lowest in the country. Its corporate law is among the most flexible, and there is no state corporate income tax for corporations and LLCs formed in-state (though there is a franchise tax).  But before you start learning all the words to “Our Delaware,” know that many of these advantages are irrelevant to smaller businesses.  There are also several indications that Delaware’s days as a haven for business may be numbered, including a recent Kauffman Foundation study placing the state dead last in entrepreneurial activity.

Wyoming is quickly becoming the go-to state for businesses of all sizes and types, with regulations that are extremely pro-privacy and taxation that is extremely low. That’s why an increasing number of analysts are now handing Wyoming the crown for most hassle-free and low-expense corporation state in the U.S.

New York and California

Both the processes and costs of incorporating and running a business in New York are famously awful. The state’s tax system is burdensome and complex, including a maintenance fee, a franchise tax, a license fee, an organization tax, and an income tax. In addition to taxes, the ongoing requirements for filings and reporting are legendary.

California’s anti-business reputation is based largely on a brutal system of taxation, including an $800 minimum income tax for both C corporations and S corporations—the highest in the nation.

When it comes to friendliness to new incorporations, the state-by-state landscape is ever-changing.

To decide what is best for your new company, seek the advice of an attorney or accountant.  And, don’t forget to check out our Free Guide to Incorporating Your Business at

Karen Kobelski is the general manager of BizFilings—a leading online provider of incorporation services.  Karen has more than 20 years of experience leading professional services teams and has spent the past 7 years leading incorporation and registered agent organizations.  Now, get her free Guide to Incorporating Your Business at To get your free guide just click on the Learning Center.

3 Marketing Mistakes That Sink Business in a Recession

04 2010 Monday


By George Torok in Business

A recession does not mean the end of your business unless you navigate those rough waters blindly. Here are three rocks that can sink your business ship unless you avoid them while navigating the dangerous waters of a tough market. You might get wet but no need to capsize.

Cut expenses across the board

Cut marketing. Cut staff. Cut all expenditures! This siren call is the most common and foolish mistake. It’s common because it is a knee jerk reaction that requires no thinking. It’s foolish for the same reasons. Making across the board cuts is a political response. It’s not a smart business strategy. If cutting across the board in tough times was smart then raising all expenses in good times would also be smart.

Instead, review all expenditures and categorize each line item into A, B and C categories in terms of ROI. “A” items are those expenditures where you can measure a strong return. Continue spending and maybe even increase these investments. “B” items are those that you believe are good but you haven’t yet developed an accurate measurement. Continue these activities, improve the tactics and improve the measurement. “C” items are losers. Stop these completely.

Cut your prices

You will be asked to cut your price. Don’t act like that is a surprise. And don’t pretend that this is the first time. So prepare for an onslaught of such requests. Prepare to deal with the price issue strategically not as a prisoner. Don’t cut price – without an equivalent exchange in value or a reduction in your costs. For example you might allow a discount for early payment or a larger order.

Another way to deal with price resistance is to introduce a lower value product. At the same time introduce a higher value product so the original product which is now in the middle looks more attractive. This is a variation of the good-better-best positioning. If you can’t afford a Lexus you can always buy a Toyota.


Imagine how it looks when you stop attending trade shows, discontinue your advertising, shelve your newsletter, stop meeting with clients and avoid networking events. Imagine what your clients will think, what your competitors can say and what prospects might believe. None of it will be positive for you or your business.

When times are bad, people need to hear from you more often. Especially make a point of connecting with your best clients and advocates more often. Make your connections more personable so they can feel your confidence.

For the rest of your clients and contacts find efficient ways to stay connected. Maybe it’s a good time to launch your newsletter – or publish it more often. Explore the tools on the Internet that allow you to stay in touch with people easier and more cost effectively. It might be a good time to launch your blog, build your FaceBook page or post videos on YouTube.

A recession can be tough. No need to panic. It’s time to think and act smart with your marketing. Keep your business off the rocks while aiming for the deeper waters beyond. Don’t stop paddling until you are clear of the rocks.

© George Torok is the co-author of the bestselling Secrets of Power Marketing. It’s published in at least seven countries. He helps small and medium businesses gain an unfair advantage over the competition. Get your free copy of “50 Power Marketing Ideas” at Arrange for Torok to speak at your conference by visiting http:/// For media interviews call 905-335-1997

Online Reputation Management

04 2010 Monday


By Sharon Housley in Business

Google is sometimes thought to be the bane of the Internet, and it certainly can be a thorn in the side of search engine marketers. Many fail to look beyond the search of today, toward what the implications of indexing and storing information will have on future generations. Forget the slogan “diamonds are forever” — “Google is forever” is more accurate in regard to the Internet. And if not Google, then some other search giant will be able to retrieve information from previous years within a few seconds. If something is online, it does not just “go away”. Like it or not, the entire world is being indexed and categorized, and will be searchable for years to come.

Individuals today have a personal brand. Employers and colleagues will search on your name, so it is imperative that you keep this in mind when posting online. You must control your online reputation.

The web is not always a friendly place, so what do you do if you are not using an alias and someone is posting derogatory information about you, your company, your products, or your brand?

Monitor Your Brand

The first step in monitoring your brand is to setup automated notifications within the various search engines, either via email or an RSS feed. This way, you will know when you are being discussed, either in favorable or unfavorable terms. For example, the “Google Alerts” feature is a free service that will send email notifications to you when specific words or phrases appear in new search results. Simply use your name, company name, product name, or brand as the phrase being monitored. Ego Feeds work in a similar fashion, except the alerts appear in a custom created RSS feed that updates whenever new mentions occur. For more information about Ego Feeds, see a related article at

Control Your Brand

The second step in protecting your brand is to take a pro-active approach to appearing in the top search results when your name is entered into a search engine. You can do this by offering interviews, reviews, SEO, and writing articles or posting blog entries. At the very least, make an effort to control the top search results for your name. This will ensure that when your personal brand is searched, those items will be listed in the top 10 search results.

Damage Control

If you find something that is damaging or harmful, do damage control. Control your responses, and behave in a professional manner so it is clear that you took the high road when the exchange is viewed by others at a later time.


The final bit of advice is to simply keep personal things personal. While the social sites are great for maintaining friendships, they are not helpful for people who have an occasional lapse in judgment. Refrain from posting pictures that show anything that you would not want your mother or future grandchildren to see, or saying anything when you are mad or upset since we often say things “in the heat of battle” that we regret later.

The Internet is preserving and archiving personal history in a way that has never previously happened. Control your online reputation for posterity.

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition
Sharon manages marketing for RecordForAll audio recording and editing software.

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