Ways To Increase Your Email Clickthrough Rate
05 2010 Tuesday
By David Godot in Advertising
Like all forms of marketing, an email marketing campaign usually has a single end goal: the conversion of non-buyers into buyers. Buying decisions tend not to be made all at once, but rather in a series of small steps toward a commitment.
For an email marketer, the first step toward conversion is signing up for your mailing list. After that, it’s the click-through. With each of these actions, the subscriber makes a small behavioral commitment to the idea that you are someone who provides value to them. Below, you’ll find 9 ways to help your email subscribers click through the links in your messages.
1. Segment your lists for maximum relevance
People just don’t have time for mailings that aren’t relevant to them. If you send them a few messages that they can’t use, they’re likely to get impatient with you and either unsubscribe or click the spam button. Even if only part of your message is relevant to them, they’ll be less likely to find it and cilck through if they have to wade through parts that they have no use for. Modern email list managers such as ActiveCampaign’s Email Marketing make it easy to split your mailing list into smaller segments and customize the content based on which segment it’s being delivered to. This boost in relevancy can have a dramatic effect on your reader response.
2. Use a simple template that’s easy to scan
Yes, your messages should be attractive, but they should also be clean and simple. Use a layout that lets the reader easily find what they’re looking for without the distraction of navigation links and multiple panels.
3. Tantalize your readers with article previews
If your newsletter includes informative articles, consider moving those articles onto your main web site and simply including a teaser in the body of your message. This not only wins you the emotional benefit of the clickthrough, it also makes your email easier to scan so that readers can focus on the content that matters most to them.
4. Put your main call to action above the fold
If you’re sending a message that has a main purpose, make sure that purpose is the most prominent thing in it. At least half of your readers will only ever look at your message in their preview pane. Make sure that your main proposition and call to action are visible in that limited space.
5. Make the benefits of clicking obvious
If you don’t describe in detail what the reader has to gain by clicking on your link, they’re going to be a lot less likely to click on it. This is just plain common sense. Yet too often you’ll see email newsletters that offer up links without any clear description of what the reader has to gain by clicking them. Don’t just describe what the reader will find at the other end of your link, tell them what it will do for them.
6. Consistently deliver on your promises
An effective email campaign builds up a relationship with the subscriber. Over time, your readers should come to see you and your business as trustworthy and beneficial. You can build up that trust by simply delivering on any promises you make in your messages. Don’t promise a benefit unless you’re sure you can deliver it.
7. Set limitations to spur action
People naturally respond to scarcity and competition. You can put that to good use by limiting the offers you make to your subscribers. For example, you might make a special offer that is only valid for a day or two after your message goes out. You can also offer a special gift or a chance to win for the first 100 subscribers that respond.
8. Add a link in a P.S.
If someone makes it all the way through your message, they’re probably very interested in your work! But they may also have forgotten about an important call to action that occurred earlier in your message. It’s a good idea to add a “P.S.” after your signature line to remind your readers what you want them to do and why.
9. Split test!
Some tactics will work better than others depending on your industry and target demographics. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a mind-reader to figure out which work best. Simply write up a few different versions of your message, taking a different approach to inducing action in each version.
David Godot works for ActiveCampaign, makers of the industry-leading Email Marketing software package. Their software allows you to automatically test multiple versions of your mailings based on the actions you want readers to take. Once it has determined which version of your message is the most effective, the software will automatically send that version to the rest of your list. Also check out ActiveCampaign’s Survey Software package.Is it a Good Idea to Rebrand E-Books as an Online Business Building Tool?
05 2010 Friday
By Michelle Jayes in Advertising
Many well known internet marketers recommend rebranding e-books when possible as a way to increase visitors to your website and build a successful online business income. Because re-branding e-books has proved to be profitable does this mean that it is actually the best strategy?
Like so many other things with internet marketing this question has both a for and against answer, and it basically needs to be looked at as a separate case in each instance.
1. Reasons why rebranding e-books is a good idea:
It is easy to do
Rebranding an e-book can take a very short period of time to do and can bring you extra income over a long period of time. These e-books can usually be offered as a free download as an incentive for someone to join your emailing list, which just requires them to fill in their name and email address in an optin box on your website and then they can download the book.Alternatively you could add a free download section on your website where visitors would be able to download a variety of e-books. If they choose to purchase any of the products that are offered via an e-book that you have re-branded, you will get the benefit of earning a commission on that product.
An added advantage of using this method is that it does not involve you having to write anything, create any graphics or create a product. All that is required of you is to re-brand the book and share it with other people online.
If you are involved in any type of MLM affiliate program, by passing on a rebranded e-book you will not only make a direct profit, but will also benefit from any affiliates below you who may generate extra income for you as well.
2. Reasons why re-branding e-books may be a Bad Idea!
Inside every re-brandable e-book there are certain links that cannot be changed and these are links that generally belong to the person who created the book in the first place and they will also continue to benefit from the work that you do in sharing the e-book with others.
If this scenario does not appeal to you then you should think about writing an e-book that is perhaps similar to the one you were thinking of rebranding and then you could keep all the profits as all the ads will be your own.
Another disadvantage of a rebranded e-book is that if you find an affiliate product that you would like to sell and the creator of that product offers you an e-book that you can rebrand to get started, chances are if the product has been around for any length of time, that the e-book can already be found all over the internet and it will not attract many interested people.
With affiliate products it is important to have a unique selling point if you wish to be successful and if you have something that is already last weeks news it will not work for you. With a little extra work you could have a report that is unique and that no one else has seen yet and this will give you a much greater chance of being successful.
Rebranding e-books definitely has a place in marketing an online business opportunity and should not be judged too harshly. The secret is to look at each case individually and make a decision on what will work best for you. Depending on what you want to achieve and the quality of the book, you can then make an educated choice on what will work best for your online income business.
Michelle Jayes invites your to visit her legitimate income opportunities website www.online-income-business for money making ideas and ways to improve and build an internet based business3 Simple Tricks to Optimize Your Pay Per Click Advertising Efforts
05 2010 Wednesday
By David Hurley in Advertising
While it is important to get your PPC ad seen and even more important to get visitors to click on your ad, those aims pale in comparison with your conversion rate. There are simple tricks that can be used to optimize your pay per click advertising efforts, but they are tricks that are often overlooked.
Running a PPC campaign can be an overwhelming task. There are so many things to do, that the details are often overlooked until it is too late. Here are a few tricks to help increase your conversion rate and optimize your pay per click advertising efforts.
1. Make Getting Conversions Easy
If you make your visitors take a multitude of steps in order to make a purchase, then it is more likely that your customers will get discouraged. While this may not be a problem if you are using pay per click advertising for list-building purposes, it is often a killer in regards to making a sale.
One of the easiest ways to increase your conversion rate (even when list-building) is to only collect the information that is absolutely necessary. Studies have shown that the best converting pages require customers to only enter an email address.
While it is nice to get someone’s name, address, phone number, etc it really isn’t critical information to have. If it is necessary, consider obtaining this information after you have already secured their email address.
2. Focus Your Landing Page
Once you decide what the goal of your landing page is, make sure that you do not distract viewers from it. Many people choose to simply use a page from their website as their landing page. Unfortunately, these pages often contain a jumble of additional ads, unrelated content, and links to other web pages. All of these things can either distract or overwhelm visitors, both of which lead to the customer leaving. It is essential to keep your landing pages as simple and succinct as possible to optimize your pay per click advertising efforts.
3. Include Critical Information in Your Ad Copy
Everyone knows that pay per click advertising is advantageous because it can drive highly targeted traffic to your landing page.
However, many people may still click on your ad that are not part of your target audience. This is because your ad copy does not include the right information.
For example, if you are selling a product that is similar or the same as your competitors, then the price is important to include in your ad copy. Many customers base their purchasing decision on price and if your product is out of their price range, there is no reason for them to click on your ad. By including the price in your ad, you can automatically filter out people who would not purchase your product anyways.
Pay per click advertising can be one of the most profitable and lucrative online advertising methods available. However, if steps are not taken to optimize every step of the sales process, money and opportunities will be lost and expenses will climb.
The more you can do to ensure that you target is highly optimized and that you landing page has the ability to create a maximum conversion rate, the more successful your pay per click advertising ventures will be.
David Hurley is the online marketing director of Website-Traffic-Hog.com, an innovative manual traffic exchange. Not only do they deliver great quality traffic but you will earn PPC Advertising and Safelist Mailings just by surfing! Go to Website-Traffic-Hog.com for full details and FREE membership.How to Target your Website’s Visitors for Optimized Traffic
04 2010 Wednesday
By Daniel McDowell in Advertising
Over the past decade, the web has grown to such a scale that there are websites covering every single topic under the sun. Due to the sheer scale of it, it is near impossible to pin point the exact number of websites which are on the web; however, statistics show that in February 2007 there were an estimated 29.7 billion pages on web. Taking into consideration the speed in which the web has grown since it’s beginnings in the 1990’s, it is safe to say that this number has increased greatly over the past three years. When it comes to using the internet in connection to our business, targeting the right customers can be hard due to the level of competition our website has. There are various methods in which we may attempt to attract the right visitors as a means to increase our traffic, but some of the most effective methods are in actual fact the cheapest and easiest methods.
Increasing your website’s traffic is all about making your presence known on the web. Marketing and advertising strategies are the main way in which to do this, but in terms of traditional business these can be costly and take sometime to be effective. However, the internet is a fast paced business which allows for your campaigns to be made live in a much shorter space of time, as well as lowering your costs to almost nothing. One of the best ways in which to target visitors is through the use of back links. These can be placed on a wide variety of sites which gain high traffic such as social networking websites and blog sites, but can also be placed on other sites which you can partner up with, exchanging links. When using back links, the first thing you must take into consideration is what your website/product is and what your target market is. In doing this, you will have a clearer idea of what the best sites will be for you to target as irrelevant sites or sites which receive a low level of traffic will be of no use to your website. If you are fortunate to have capital to use, you can also use the aid of Pay per Click schemes. Large search engine sites such as Google can offer this to you but before deciding on this as a means to help your traffic, think about how much you can honestly afford as not to risk a loss in profits.
As businesses look for cheap ways in which to promote their websites, there has been a great increase in the amount of blogs and article directory sites on the web. These allow you to promote your product or service, as well as providing a link back to your website all for the simple exchange of your content on the website. This is a great way in which to gain more back links to your website, as well as s great method of advertising and self promotion. Different websites will have their own guidelines in terms of what you may submit to their sites, but in most cases this is one of the easiest ways in which to promote your business for free. The more external websites you use, the more links you will accumulate on the web which will help your overall traffic level. However, ensure you submit content to reputable sites which have some kind of relevance to your website so that you are targeting the right visitors for your market.
Finally there is one of the most beneficial forms of advertisement- word of mouth marketing. This is not necessarily something which you can achieve yourself, but rather a method of marketing which is completed by your current customers and visitors for free. Word of mouth marketing works by users of your site adding their own back links on to websites in the form of link sharing. Many companies and websites have benefited from this increasing their traffic thanks to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The way in which you can help this become possible is by providing a website and service which is worth talking about. By doing your own part in terms of promoting your website and your own marketing strategies on sites such as these, they are more likely to be noticed by visitors who will then be motivated to visit them. If they like what they see, they can then use bookmarking and other back linking methods to share with other web users they know, thus providing you with free marketing.
Generating traffic to your site is simple when you take into consideration what is right for your website. By looking at the way in which other websites are using the web to promote themselves, you too will soon discover the benefits which come from using simple, yet effective marketing techniques and see your traffic levels soar.
Daniel McDowell is CEO of DLM International LLC which operates globally providing products and services to their many clients, operating a variety of websites in many countries. To find out more about getting traffic to a website go to: http://www.trafficgrabsystem.comInfo Product Creation: How To Create Your FIRST Info Product in 7 Easy Steps
03 2010 Monday
By Tracey Lawton in Advertising
Once you’ve mastered your online marketing system and you’re growing your list on a daily basis, this is a good time to then set about creating additional offerings for your subscribers. This is where you start to look at your Product & Marketing Funnel and see where the gaps are and where new products can fit.
If you’re like most solo service professionals you’ll have something at the top (i.e. the widest part) of your funnel, which is usually your free taste, and then you’ll have something at the bottom (i.e. the narrowest part) of your funnel, which is usually your most expensive one-on-one services, but you won’t have anything in-between.
This is where you need to create products at different price points so that your clients and customers can experience your services and expertise without having to invest in your top (most expensive) service, but they want more than you are offering at the ‘free’ level.
A great first info product to create is one that sits at the second level within your Product & Marketing Funnel; somewhere between $1 and $50.
So, here is the step-by-step guide on how to create that all-important first paid offering.
Step 1 Host a Free Teleclass
Not only is this a great way to build your list, but it also exposes your audience to your expertise. You get to interact with your target market via the teleclass and they are able to ask you questions right there on the call.
Step 2 Record Your Teleclass
In addition to this being a great incentive to getting more sign-ups (if a registrant is not able to make it to the live teleclass they know that they’ll be able to get hold of the information afterwards via the recording), but this is where you’ll turn your free teleclass into your first paid info product.
Step 3 Create an Accompanying Guide or Special Report
Using the notes you prepared for your teleclass, turn these into a guide to accompany your teleclass. Or turn your notes into a special report and sell the report as the paid product and offer the teleclass recording as a bonus.
Step 4 Create a Workbook
If you also provided instructions or how-to information as part of your free teleclass, take that information and create an additional workbook. A workbook is a simple document that will allow your customer/client to make notes, write down their ideas, or plan out how they’re going to implement the how-to information that you shared with them on the teleclass.
Step 5 Bundle It All Together
Now that you have your teleclass recording, and you’ve created an accompanying guide/ebook and/or workbook, bundle all this information together to offer as a paid product at the second level within your funnel i.e. between the $1 and $50 price range.
Step 6 Create a Sales Page and Shopping Cart Link
You now need to create a sales page for your product, and associated shopping cart link. It is also a great customer service feature to create an autoresponder so that you can follow-up with your customers to check that they are happy with their purchase and are implementing the information you shared with them.
Step 7 Promote to Your List
Once you have your product all set up (Step 5), and created the sales page (Step 6) it’s time to promote it to your list and make sales! This is the exciting part! Include some teaser information in your newsletter leading up to the launch of your product, and once you’re ready to take sales send a solo mailing announcing the launch of your product. A solo mailing is much more effective than including the announcement as part of your regular newsletter.
After the initial launch continue to promote your product through your newsletter; promote it on your blog; and tell all your social networks about your product.
Online Business Development Strategist, Tracey Lawton, teaches professional speakers, coaches, and authors how to operate an efficient, organized, and profitable business. Learn how to create an efficient and organized office in 7 EASY steps, and receive free how-to articles at http://www.OfficeOrganizationSuccess.comImprove Your Email Newsletter Copywriting In Six Steps
03 2010 Friday
By Derryck Strachan in Advertising
The Internet has transformed the way we do business, opening new channels of communication and introducing far more direct ways of marketing to customers. One aspect of online marketing that is frequently underused is email marketing and one critical element that is often overlooked is the actual content of the email. So how can you get more from your newsletter copywriting?
- Avoid the delete button. 90% of the millions of emails sent every day are spam. Your email newsletters can only be judged as successful if your customers actually read them. An effective subject line is the first point of contact – if that doesn’t have the power to engage and interest, your carefully crafted newsletter will end up in the recycling folder.
You are already talking to an audience you know are interested in your products. So the door is already open. If your customer has signed up to your newsletter, then they’ve already expressed an interest. It’s now your job (or that of your copywriter) to keep that interest by constructing a newsletter that interests, entertains and, most importantly, informs.
- Draw them in. A newsletter is only worthwhile if it offers the recipient something such as useful information that’s relevant to their business. Engage with your customer. Ask for feedback. If they feel involved in the process, then a two-way communication is opened, keeping them interested and much more willing to read your subsequent follow-up emails.Ask yourself what you would want to read as a customer and then craft your content around that principle. Content, as any good copywriter knows, is all-important, but it has to be content that is relevant. Without that interconnection, your reader will become bored and your newsletter will be heading for the trash bin.
- Treat your customer well. If your customer has taken the trouble to part with their personal details, make sure you show your gratitude by acknowledging their sign up. That simple act reassures them that they are part of the process, not just an end result. Think of the email newsletter not as a short-term stopgap in your advertising and marketing campaign, but as a long-term process. The best email newsletters offer valuable, interesting and relevant content that extends the relationship you have with them beyond a website visit or sale. Your email newsletter is a vital part of your relationship with your customer – it shows that your business, brand, products, services etc are aligned to their lives. More importantly – a good email newsletter shows you care about your customers by providing them with content that’s relevant and interesting.
- Content, content, content. A newsletter full of waffle, badly written content or irrelevant information is the quickest way to damage your reputation. The worst that can happen is that your customer looks for the ‘unsubscribe’ link and in one move you’ve lost them. Content for content’s sake is ineffective – it is merely padding that a customer will instantly see right through, so keep it relevant.
- Keywords aren’t just for search engines. Search engines are not the only things that work on keywords – humans do too. Construct your content with ‘trigger’ words that are, once again, relevant to the customer and their business. Relevant keywords inspire little explosions of connection in the minds of your customers – use the right trigger phrases and your customers are more likely to follow your calls to action.
- If in doubt, call a professional copywriter! Finally, if you really want your email newsletter to work, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional. Commercial copywriters are not just experienced wordsmiths; they’re also highly proficient in the techniques of marketing and business communication. If you need to get more from your email newsletters, why not think about engaging an experienced copywriter to create a template for you, write style guidelines, offer training – or simply outsource your email newsletters entirely. In that way, your email newsletters will continue to play an important role in your overall marketing strategy.
Derryck Strachan is a freelance copywriter and the director of the award winning web content company Copywriting Devon Ltd. He works as a web copywriter for several leading UK search agencies, SMEs and large organisations across a range of sectors. Our services also include articles, blogs, press releases and content consultancy.What Benefits Your Online Business more Automating or Building a Relationship with Your List
03 2010 Wednesday
By Michelle Jayes in Advertising
Anyone who has been involved in a legitimate online business for any length of time will have heard the statement “the money is in the list”. While this is true there is also another phrase that one hears repeatedly and that is “the importance of automating your business”.
Both these statements have a great deal of truth in them and using an auto-responder to collect names addresses and send out regular emails is an essential part of running a successful internet marketing campaign.
The point to consider though is whether you should rely on these pre-written automated newsletters alone or if you should also send broadcast messages to the subscribers on your email list keeping them abreast of up to the minute news and giving them information that can be of benefit to them.
Let’s face it, if you want to build a successful and profitable list of subscribers, it is important to remember that every time a newsletter gets sent out to an email address there is a real flesh and blood person at the receiving end who is going to be reading and responding in some way to that message.
It is very true that the money is in the list but you need to keep in mind when you have these pre-written newsletters that over a period of time they can become stale and outdated. So from time to time it is necessary to check them and see that the information you are sending out still applies and discard anything that becomes obsolete. A good idea would be to go through these letters every six months or so to be sure that what you are sending out is still relevant.
In addition send out a broadcast weekly or more often if you prefer, with topical information, and learn to build a relationship with your email subscribers if you want a responsive and profitable list. An automated emailing system has a lot of benefits and is well worth having so long as you don’t just rely on that entirely if you want your readers to remain on your list and become customers as well.
A simple method to use for building a list is to advertise with a squeeze page and every time anyone signs up for your newsletter through your squeeze page they will automatically be added to your mailing list by your auto-responder service and they will begin to receive your newsletters. If they enjoy what they read and like the products you are offering there is a good chance that they will purchase from you.
Then it is up to you to start building a relationship with them so that they can become regular customers as this is what will pay the bills for your legitimate online business.
Another way to keep your subscribers up to date and interested in what you do is to set up your auto-responder to notify them whenever you make a new post on your blog. In this way they will be receiving regular information from you and it doesn’t require any extra work.
Finally keep in mind that what matters most in making your online business successful is not so much the size of your list it is more the responsiveness and the amount of money that your subscribers are happy to spend with you.
Michelle Jayes invites you to visit her website www.online-income-business.com for more legitimate online business opportunities and ideas to help you succeed in your business.Use These 3 Tips so that Your Online Income Affiliate Business can Survive
01 2010 Friday
By admin in Advertising
As an affiliate marketer who would like to not only survive but also generate a large income you will need to utilize these 3 tips given here and be prepared to work hard as there is not magical formula to success.
As an affiliate marketer using these 3 tips will help your chances of success with your online marketing business. Using these 3 tips will help your online business survive the competition that is found in an online based business environment.
1. Give your readers free reports.
Either place these reports where they can be easily seen near the top of your website or alternatively give them as an incentive to visitors who are will to give you their name and email address.Use a unique squeeze page, in other words one that is different from what everyone else is using, to offer your reports in exchange for their email address and make sure that you have an opt in box on that squeeze page that goes to your auto-responder account.
It is a known fact that the majority of people will not purchase anything the first time they see it. Normally it will take a minimum of seven views for them to make the purchase. Keep in mind that usually people are more willing to spend money with a person that they believe is trustworthy and has taken the time to build a relationship with them, they need to know that they are not just dealing with some faceless website but a real person who is willing to help them.
If the only connection is the product on your website, not only will you not build a list, but chances are that even if someone is interested in the product you are selling they will move on and in the end buy it from someone else.
2. Promote each product on a separate web page.
If you use this method of marketing your products you will be keeping the reader focused on one thing at a time and they will become less distracted than if there were too many things on the one page.
Help the reader to make a decision on each product by having a review for each one on your website. This not only gives it a more personal touch but also helps to encourage a sale. If you are able to get some testimonials from any of your previous customers who have already tried the product then this is something that you can use to your advantage.
Just be sure that those customers are happy to allow you to use their name and if possible their photo.
3. Aim to generate a lot of targeted traffic to your website.
There is absolutely no point in getting people to visit your site who have no interest whatsoever in the products that you are promoting. Write articles and submit them to ezines and article directories and focus on the niche that you are promoting your products to. There is no point in spending your time promoting your affiliate internet business where no one is interested in what you are selling, but writing articles and publishing them in article directories is a great way to become known and brand yourself and your business and the best thing is that this type of advertising will not cost you any money.
If you want to benefit from marketing your online business by using article marketing you will need to write a minimum of 2 articles every week. If you continue to do this consistently you will see that over time your traffic will increase and it will be people who are interested in your products and what you have to say.
None of these tips are really difficult to follow and take action on it just needs some time and thought from you. Try using these tips for a few of your affiliate internet based business programs and see how they will help your opportunity to survive as an online affiliate marketer. Another great thing about this is the increase in the pay checks you will be receiving.
Michelle Jayes invites your to visit her legitimate income opportunities website www.online-income-business for money making ideas and ways to improve and build an internet based businessShould the Print Newsletter Die – And Let Ezines Takeover?
01 2010 Thursday
By David Gruttadaurio in Advertising
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Mark Twain said that back in 1897.
Print newsletters have been saying it for the past ten years.
Why? Because many business owners feel…
- With the internet, all they have to do is post content online; everyone will flock to their site to read it. Plus it’s FREE!
- Email is king! Just send an ezine. It’s FREE!
- Postage keeps going up along with printing costs… but email is FREE!
There’s no question about it. Print newsletters should have died a long time ago.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the funeral. The print newsletter suddenly became Lazarus and a resurrection took place.
5 Reasons Why Print Newsletters Are Still Around
- Printed mail gets delivered – It’s never blocked or caught in spam filters.
- It is proven that the majority of people prefer to hold, touch and feel what they are reading.
- Studies show online readers retain much less of what they read compared to those reading printed material. So, if you have an offer with a call to action, wouldn’t it be nice if it was remembered for more than 30 seconds?
- Print newsletters have more perceived value. Think about it. How many companies are willing to do this? Your customers realize you’re spending money to do it.
- Print newsletters are sticky. They have great ‘hang-time’. People keep print newsletters for further or future reading. Not only are they likely to be read from start to finish, they usually get passed around.
Email Newsletter Marketing Has Major Downsides
(By the way – for the record – I love the internet and I love my email. I can’t imagine life without it or remember life before it)
With that being said, email is NOT the ‘be all and end all’ of modern marketing.
Yes…email is fast, easy and cheap. But who cares about that if it’s not effective?
Here’s the ugly truth: The vast majority of email lies unopened and untouched in the dark nothingness of cyberspace. Emails are routinely wiped out by the dozen in one fell swoop with the simple push of the delete key.
Even if your name is recognized, you still risk being deleted. Maybe your email got caught in a large chunk of junk mail. Or… maybe they’re just having a bad day.
See, today everyone is bombarded by email overload. Spam accounts for about 90% of it. That means 9 out of every 10 emails in your in box is junk. Do you REALLY think your ezine is being read?
And, if your newsletter gets read, how much attention do you think it gets? A Nielsen Norman Group Report revealed the typical email newsletter gets 51 seconds of your reader’s time. That was four years ago. Today, many say its less than 30 seconds.
So, Which One Should You Do: A Print Newsletter or an Ezine?
Now, I’m not suggesting that you stop your email marketing and newsletters.
You may want to do both. Send an email newsletter on a weekly basis. But, send a monthly print newsletter, too.
There is a gold standard to determine which one is best for you.
Simply ask your clients. Survey them to see which one THEY prefer. After all… isn’t it all about what our customer wants?
When Print Newsletter Expert David Gruttadaurio discovered the power of consistently writing and distributing print newsletters to attract and retain clients, he instantly tripled the sales of his business. Now he reveals his bullet-proof plan to thrive in the new, emerging economy at his Profit Exploding Newsletter Secrets Website: http://www.NewslettersMadeForYou.com. Go there to claim your 3 FREE Real Gifts NOW!Instant Article Templates – 3 Reasons Why MOST Article Templates Do Not Help You Write Articles Fast
12 2009 Monday
By Eric Gruber in Advertising
Instant article writing templates such as those found at StartWritingArticlesFaster.com can help you overcome writer’s block. In many cases, with the right article templates, you can write your articles in 30 minutes or less.
Notice the keywords there – “with the right article templates.”
If you do a Google search for “instant article writing templates”, “instant article templates”, “article writing templates”, “free article templates” and “article templates”— underneath my websites and my articles you find hundreds of other resources. Some sites even give you free article templates.
Heck, I even give you 3 free article templates at http://www.TryMyFreeArticleTemplates.com
Here’s the problem…most article templates are not designed to help you write better articles faster. Now, the creators of these article templates had good intentions. However, if you use the wrong article templates, you will find yourself even more confused.
The 3 Biggest Problems with Most Instant Article Writing Templates
1. Most article templates do not give you the structure and organization you need. In fact, here’s a sampling of what one article template provider offers…
Article Writing Template – What I Learned From….
This one is simply a bulleted list of what you have learned from any number of things or events such as what I learned from my parents, my sister, my brother, my son, my daughter, from my third grade teacher, from September 11th, from watching a TV show, etc.
Bullet 1-
Bullet 2-
Bullet 3-
And, so on…
Now, to me this is not a workable template. Templates are supposed to be worksheets that guide you throughout the process. For example, I put my “Instant Article Writing Templates” in MS Word format. Each template is in chart format. All you have to do is put the information that’s in your head and put it exactly where I ask you to. Once the template is complete, all you have to do is copy each section and paste it into a new document – and you’ll have a finished article.
2. Most article templates don’t keep you, the article writer, focused. If I don’t use my article templates, I find myself rambling, going from one topic to another. And, I’m the article writing and article marketing expert. When you have a workable template that provides you with structure and organization, your copy will automatically become more focused. It becomes an easier, better read for your readers. However, most templates like the example I showed you above do not give you a structure and organization to follow. And, they allow you to bounce from one idea to another without any kind of transition.
3. Most article template resources do not provide real article examples from a wide number of industries. If there are any article examples provided along with the article templates, you’ll just find articles that the creator wrote. So, you’ll just find Internet marketing articles that promote the creator’s other products and services. You want to look for article resources that provide actual article examples of those in your niche. For example, in my Instant Article Writing Templates Kit, I not only share with you some of my own articles, but I share with articles that are written by my clients who are authors, speakers and entrepreneurs dealing with a wide number of business, finance, relationship and parenting issues.
Again, I do not mean to mock or offend those in my industry. I just want to help you write your articles faster. Now, that you aware of the problems that most instant article writing templates have – you can choose wisely.
About the Author:
Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber uses the power of articles to create online opportunities for Internet marketers, small business owners, authors, entrepreneurs and speakers who want more publicity, prospects and profits. Now, you can get 3 of his favorite his instant article writing templates that will help you overcome writer’s block and write your articles in 30 minutes or less. Get your free article templates now: http://www.TryMyFreeArticleTemplates.com
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