5 Ways to Kill Your Search Rankings & Their Solutions
Lee Odden on Jun 15th, 2010 Online Marketing, SEO, SEO TipsShare
One of the biggest fears for web site owners that have long relied on search traffic for new business is a sudden drop in search engine rankings. Some webmasters are experiencing this very situation as a result of Google’s recent Mayday update (Matt Cutts video).
In most cases, it takes a lot for a tenured web site to mess up it’s search visibility. In other situations, it doesn’t take much at all. Avoiding mistakes that result in exclusion, penalties and more often confusion for search engines are often overlooked. Don’t fall victim to carelessness and ignorance when it comes to maintaining the search visibility achieved from years of content and online marketing by avoiding these common mistakes:
5 Ways to Kill Your Search Rankings & Their Solutions
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Tell All Q&A With Google’s Maile Ohye – SES Toronto Keynote
Adam Singer on Jun 11th, 2010 Interviews, Marketing PR Conferences, SEO, Search Engine StrategiesShare
Maile Ohye, Senior Developer Programs Engineer, Google delivered the morning keynote on day two of Search Engine Strategies Toronto. Maile discussed Google’s approach to helping site owners and shared answers to burning questions from the moderator and audience.
The format was a Q&A, and the following is a summary of the best questions and answers from the session.
How did you get to Google?
I studied computer science/artificial intelligence in college. From that point on, I went into information retrieval and then joined the department of defense. Then I took some time off, and eventually joined Google. I’ve now been at Google for 5 years.
After a previous update, we heard a story of someone ranking #1 who lost positioning (and was previously making $10,000/month just from that one ranking). The same thing again seems to be happening with the Mayday update. What exactly is that it?
Tell All Q&A With Google’s Maile Ohye – SES Toronto Keynote
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6 Tips on Image SEO
Glen on Jun 11th, 2010 SEO, SEO TipsShare
Images as an asset for organic search results and search engine optimization are often overlooked. Images can drive traffic through image search as well as inclusion in universal search results.
There are actually several dimensions to image optimization that involves better placement in search results, optimization for user experience and in some cases, optimization for easier sharing of images on the social web.
For image SEO, it can be helpful to think of optimizing images like optimizing a tiny webpage within your page. Things like url structure, anchor text and descriptive tagging are factors for optimizing images for search engines, just like regular webpages.
Here are a few tips for optimizing your images to improve their performance on the page and in search.
6 Tips on Image SEO
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Getting Marketing & Development Teams Working Together – SES Toronto
Adam Singer on Jun 10th, 2010 Marketing PR Conferences, Online Marketing, SEO, Search Engine StrategiesShare
It’s a common story: an online marketing professional returns from a conference full of exciting new ideas and tactics, only to fail at selling those ideas internally. In many cases, marketing and IT/development professionals don’t always understand each other, and as a result potentially high value projects stall out and never see the light of day.
How can you get your marketing and IT teams working together? The following panel of speakers moderated by Tracy Falke, Social Media Specialist at Freestyle Interactive tackle the subject matter:
- Jonathan Allen, Director, SearchEngineWatch
- Puneet Bhasin, Independent IT Consultant,
- Casey Rovinelli, Director, Digital Marketing, National Hockey League Players’ Association
Casey Rovinelli, Director, Digital Marketing, National Hockey League Players’ Association
Getting Marketing & Development Teams Working Together – SES Toronto
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7 Benefits of Partnering SEO & PR
Lee Odden on Jun 10th, 2010 Online Marketing, Online PR, SEOShare
There are many intersections between earned media and organic search engine rankings, so it makes sense that they would work well together. The PR industry is in an interesting situation right now with so much of the traditional media world moving to digital media. Whether they admit it or not, journalists rely on PR professionals for a pipeline of stories and information. When journalists lose their jobs, media relations professionals lose an essential reason for being in business.
Even if PR departments and organizations are digitally savvy, there are a good number of reasons (7 in fact) to incorporate search engine optimization into their processes:
7 Benefits of Partnering SEO & PR
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Monster SEO: Interview with Matt Evans of
Lee Odden on May 31st, 2010 Enterprise SEO, Interviews, Online Marketing, SEO, Spotlight on SearchShare
Spotlight on Search Interview with Matt Evans of
There simply is no substitute for well rounded experience over a period of time to give a search marketer perspective and the skills to handle a variety of problems. Add to that “sink or swim” SEO training and you have a guy like Matt Evans, SEO Manager at In this interview, Matt is generous with sharing his experiences working agency side and in-house, insights toward code SEO, the new Google design, social media, advice for marketers that want to enter the Search Engine Marketing field and how SEO is a lot like Rugby.
You’ve worked both on the agency side and now as an in-house SEO Manager for Can you share a bit about that journey and what are some of the big differences between working on the client side vs. agency? What do you like most about working in Search?
Monster SEO: Interview with Matt Evans of
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Best Practices In SEO And Marketing: IMS MN 2010
Adam Singer on May 26th, 2010 Enterprise SEO, Local SEO, Marketing PR Conferences, Online Marketing, SEO, SEO TipsShare
At the recent Minneapolis Integrated Marketing Summit, TopRank Online Marketing CEO Lee Odden moderated an exciting panel of a diverse group of SEO professionals:
- Alex Bennert – Chief Search Strategist at The Wall Street Journal
- Brian Kleisner – Search Engine Marketing Manager for FindLaw
- Bill Leake – CEO of Apogee Results
The focus of the panel was on search engine optimization best practices, and panelists discussed everything from leveraging web analytics for decision making to how to scale efforts and many topics in between. Following is a summary of each presenter’s top points:
Alex Bennert – Chief Search Strategist at The Wall Street Journal
Alex spoke on the important of using data to make decisions, including leveraging sources such as Google webmaster tools. The information provided in webmaster tools has grown significantly since they have implemented it.
Best Practices In SEO And Marketing: IMS MN 2010
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Enterprise SEO Interview with Scott Skurnick of
Lee Odden on May 25th, 2010 Interviews, Online Marketing, SEO, Spotlight on SearchShare
Spotlight on Search Interview with Scott Skurnick of
For every SEO guru speaking at a conference, there are 10 or 20 more SEO experts you might not have heard of, making things happen in amazing ways. Scott Skurnick has worked in the Search Marketing industry as long as anyone I know on the conference speaking circuit and has a tremendous amount of experience and expertise to share.
In this interview, Scott shares his journey to become Executive Director of Search Engine Optimization and User Insights at, his take on social media and SEO, scalability of SEO, tips on audits, best practices, tools and more.
You’re a long time consumer products search marketer, having worked at companies like Circuit City, OfficeMax and currently with What made you decide to work in the search marketing industry and what do you like best about it?
Enterprise SEO Interview with Scott Skurnick of
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7 Essential SEO Tips for Small Businesses
Glen on May 21st, 2010 Online Marketing, SEO, SEO Tips, Small BusinessShare
When it comes to marketing in the current economy, small businesses need all the help they can get. They don’t have the ad budgets, the personnel or the time that the bigger competition has. But none of those factors really matter to search engines, and SEO is a great way to both level the playing field and steal marketshare.
Here are a few tips that small businesses can use to improve their SEO and user experience.
1. Turn everything into content
Content is still King. Search engines still love unique content, and the more useful content there is on your website, the more opportunities you give searchers to find your products and services. Rob Snell gave a fabulous presentation at PUBCON South, and one of the main takeaways was how to turn everything on an e-commerce site into content. Here are some ways to “free” extra content on your site. Here were some of his tips:
7 Essential SEO Tips for Small Businesses
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10 Easy Local SEO & Online Marketing Tips
Thomas McMahon on May 20th, 2010 Google, Local SEO, Microsoft Bing, Online Marketing, SEO, Small Business, YahooShare
There are currently 29.6 million small businesses in the U.S. (SCORE). 63% of consumers and small business owners use the Internet to find information about local companies and 82% use search engines (Webvisible & Nielsen). That means there’s a lot of opportunity for local SEO.
Recently I attended’s Local University in Minneapolis which focused on how to optimize web sites for local search. Out of all the good information that came out of the event, here are 10 easy things you can do today to optimize sites and content to attract local customers.
1. Claim your profile.
It’s as simple as logging into Google Places, Bing Local and Yahoo Local and walking through the verification steps which include a phone call or post card to verify your address.10 Easy Local SEO & Online Marketing Tips
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SEO at Turner Broadcasting: Dan Perry Interview
Lee Odden on May 19th, 2010 Enterprise SEO, Interviews, Online Marketing, SEO, Spotlight on SearchShare
Spotlight on Search Interview with Dan Perry, SEO Director at Turner Broadcasting
Working with Enterprise SEO projects is compared to smaller company sites is as different as marketing to BtoC vs. BtoB customers. This interview with Dan Perry, the SEO Director for Turner Broadcasting covers his SEO dream job, in-house SEO career advice and skills, enterprise SEO, the future of outsourcing to agencies, being persuasive inside organizations and of course, Golf!
We met while you were with and now you’re with Turner Broadcasting. (Congrats) How did you get into the SEO world and what is it that keeps you there?
SEO at Turner Broadcasting: Dan Perry Interview
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Beyond Google: SEO and the Social Web
Lee Odden on May 18th, 2010 Content Marketing, Online Marketing, SEOShare
88 billion (OK, 87.8, we rounded up). That’s the number of search queries Google web properties are responsible for each month according to comScore.
Core to many search marketing strategies is to “Fish where the fish are” and make no mistake, the fish are decidedly hanging out on Google. YouTube, Gmail, and many other online services from Google make its presence ubiquotous in the online marketing world.
Now imagine if Google disappeared tomorrow. What would that do to your marketing? What would it do to your business?
Some of the people reading this post have experienced such a disappearance. Not of Google going away, but the experience of their own sites or pages disappearing from high visibility positions within Google search results.
Beyond Google: SEO and the Social Web
SEO Category - Online Marketing Blog
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